Bakers and bakery professionals interested in a solution to improve their processes, delivery and general operations
About FoodMan
If you want your bakery to be the most profitable, modern bakery business, then let us help you to take the next ultimate step. The best way to take orders, confirm deliveries, capture signatures, reduce credits and manage stock is the FoodMan way! Many food businesses across Northern Ireland have already agreed with that. Belfast-based InfoSoft NI FoodMan is easy to use handheld solution for your van sales, POS, rep and production staff, which from day 1 will reduce your business operating costs, increase sales, and reduce returns while improving cash flow. Typical savings of around 2 hours per van route, per day, are achieved by elimination of paperwork via delivery note automation and stopping delivery errors. All delivery notes and invoices are held electronically and visible in the real-time back at the office, saving you countless administration hours. By eliminating handwritten dockets you will be able to accelerate your billing.