AtomicAssets is a standard for Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the eosio blockchain technology. Anyone can utilize the AtomicAsset standard to tokenize and create digital assets and buy, sell & auction assets utilizing the AtomicMarket marketplace. Collections are meant to group assets together and also handle the permissions for these assets. They also contain a data field that follows a unified schema, where you can later add things like a description or a website URL. This information then helps 3rd party websites and applications to display more relevant information about your collection. Since each asset needs to belong to a collection, you should create one using the createcol action. Make sure to include the account that you want to create your assets with in the authorized_accounts parameter, as only the accounts within this list will be able to create and edit assets.
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The world’s largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), including ERC721 and ERC1155 assets. Buy, sell, and discover exclusive digital assets like Axies, ENS names, CryptoKitties, Decentraland, and more. Building brand new economies powered by true digital ownership. OpenSea is the first and largest marketplace for user-owned digital goods, which include collectibles, gaming items, domain names, digital art, and other assets backed by a blockchain. At OpenSea, we're excited about a brand new type of digital good often referred to as a non-fungible token, or NFT. NFTs have exciting new properties: they’re unique, provably scarce, liquid, and usable across multiple applications. Just like physical goods, you can do whatever you want with them! You could throw them in the trash, gift them to a friend across the world, or go sell them on an open marketplace. But unlike physical goods, they're armed with all the programmability of digital assets.
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Build the most unique NFT frictionless trading market where users can enjoy the fun of gold mining. Treasureland is a multi-chain NFT issuance and trading platform, empowering users to mint NFTs within one click and conveniently buy, sell or auction NFTs. Pull market data from our digital asset API. We have long-term cooperation with some well-known companies or institutions around the world to promote the development of the NFT ecosystem. Pull market data from our digital asset API. Learn more about Treasureland, chat with the team, other people in the community, and express your opinion on the future development of Treasureland, chat in real time with the Treasureland community in Discord. Understand the progress of our code and project in Github. Join our community and chat with everyone in Telegram. Follow us in Twitter for updates and news.
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At its core, Web 3 is a movement towards a user-owned internet. Where you, the user, own your data, own your assets, and can trade across borders with anyone in the world. But, to make that a reality, we need an open marketplace that artists, founders, investors, collectors, and communities can trust. We're building TradePort for serious NFT enthusiasts, developing the tools they need to discover, collect, sell, and research NFTs. The team is known for our quick response time, wizardly dev talent, and forward-thinking features. As fellow NFT and DeFi degens, we consistently ship features that we, ourselves and community members need. We take community feedback seriously, so don't hesitate to give us direct feedback on our Discord or Twitter. We are committed to building a community and tool that you love.
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