Childcare Centers, Daycares, Nurseries, Preschools, Kindergartens
About Famly
Forget ordinary childcare software. From digital enrollment to automatic billing to instant message translation, Famly is the time-saving solution that goes the extra mile for your ECE business needs.
We've got all the must-have features to help you manage your center, but we're so much more than a bunch of features. Our top-rated childcare software has collaboration at its core, and is built around you and your unique team. In fact, from day one, you’ll get a free dedicated account manager to support and guide you for whatever you need. Whether it’s exporting or transferring data from another software or automating your finances, we're by your side.
Famly is trusted by 6300+ childcare centers, daycares, and preschools across the globe, and is perfect for directors, managers, staff and teachers of childcare groups, as well as childcare centers of all shapes and sizes. Try Famly and save 100s of hours for you and your staff today.