Companies interested in an event driven, real-time alarm handling package solution
About FM Bundle
Facility Manager (FM) is an event driven, real-time Alarm handling package. It provides an intuitive and powerful means of designing, monitoring, and handling alarm groups. Using a drag-and-drop approach, alarm groups can be easily setup using point values from a number of different devices and networks. Each point has its own activation settings which determine when an alarm group is activated. Each alarm group is assigned a number of people to contact in the event of activation. These people can be contacted in a variety of ways including e-mail, fax, SMS and printed messages. A scripting language using SNMP also allows the designer to create new message types to be sent via modem commands. Event-driven processing strategy for fast, efficient operation
Real-time operation, an alarm group is activated and a message is sent as soon as a value of a data point changes. Seamless integration with existing Genesis and MAXIM products.