Organizers, companies and anyone seeking a solution to manage and market their events
About EventERP
Our mission is to help organizations worldwide to maximize return on investment in Event Planning and Operations. While Volunteering for one of the world’s largest conferences for entrepreneurs over, three friends experienced first-hand the inefficiencies in Event planning. While working in this fashion for over 4 years they were toying with an idea of a platform to streamline the process and make it fun to use! This gave rise to an early version of the current EventERP eco-system. With continuous input from our customers and users, the EventERP platform has evolved into an eco-system to promise our mantra, Market, Sell and Manage. This is a journey and we’re evolving continuously. Manage and track Email campaigns. Measure Email campaign success. Track ticket sales and attendee signups. Measure effectiveness of sales channels. Manage Event operations before and on the day.