Traders, organizations and individuals in search of a free Bitcoin pool server solution
About Eloipool
Fast Python3 Bitcoin pool server. Eloipool supports merged mining using the setworkaux/gotwork RPC interface. Eloipool does not provide any interface for longpolling aux chains. Empty and longpoll merkle roots are generated only as-needed, and will not be regenerated when CoinbaseAux changes. This means shares found by getwork miners after a longpoll will almost always be stale on your aux chain(s). This problem does not affect GBT or stratum miners. First poolserver to use getmemorypool for internal work generation (note: PSJ and ecoinpool do this too, and announced first). Optimized merkle tree generator, does only the minimum required steps to create lots of merkle trees fast. Keeps a fixed-size buffer full of up-to-date merkle trees ready to ship off as soon as a getwork requests them. Builds a fixed-size buffer full of clear (zero transactions, just subsidy) merkle trees ready to ship off immediately with longpoll replies.