Companies interested in an educational technology platform for building and sustaining innovation in course technologies
About ELMSln
ELMS Learning Network (ELMSLN) is an open source educational technology platform for building and sustaining innovation in course technologies. It is not a traditional LMS but a Next Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE) that utilizes a Suite of Tools approach to course design. Think Google Apps but for colleges, institutions or even individual professors to run and control a course that best meets their needs to effectively teach their topics. An ecosystem of educational technologies that know how to work together, utilize industry standards like REST, xAPI and LTI(1.2) and can grow infinitely because of the philosophy of the design (yes, infinitely). Each course forms a network of technologies (hence the name Learning Network) which can then be better tailored to each individual course's needs. ELMSLN is 100% open source, using a best of breeds approach to open systems development.