Companies seeking a software-based approach for complex decision-making
Parmenides EIDOS is an innovative software-based approach for complex decision-making, strategic reasoning and problem-solving. Leading strategy firms show the pitfalls of short-termism. Top researchers confirm the benefits of scenario-based foresight. EIDOS clients understand non-linearity and apply the tool-suite for strategic success. By employing EIDOSHUB, participants in your workshop can use their smart devices to engage with the system directly to evaluate options or goals and rate consistencies. EIDOSHUB’s processing system greatly increases the efficiency and speed of evaluation and strengthens participants’ buy-in and ownership of results. Participants’ use of their own smart devices enhances the experience, especially for younger managers where gamification is a proven means of fostering effective participation. EIDOS software on the EIDOSHUB platform is an impressively fast and innovative means to facilitate participatory processes.