1 Integration with Dynamine

View a list of Dynamine integrations and software that integrates with Dynamine below. Compare the best Dynamine integrations as well as features, ratings, user reviews, and pricing of software that integrates with Dynamine. Here are the current Dynamine integrations in 2024:

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    Tracks and manages all aspects of an inmate’s incarceration period. SmartJAIL tracks and manages all aspects of an inmate’s incarceration period, with automated features and complete integration to SmartCOP’s RMS. Corrections Officers have instant access to the detailed history of an offender, allowing them to make informed decisions for a safe and secure facility. Each module is designed to be efficient and intuitive, making it a perfect fit for even the largest jails. Highly configurable, SmartJAIL can be adapted to fit the unique needs of your Jail while still maintaining compliance with accreditation standards and industry best practices. While meeting accreditation standards, the system reduces data entry duplication and increased agency efficiency. SmartCOP’s Jail Management System is a comprehensive system that allows tracking of every aspect of an inmate’s stay within your correctional facility.
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