Individuals requiring a solution to analyze video and audio to detect potential deepfakes
About DeepFake Detector
Deepfake videos and audio can be used to spread misinformation and deceive people. With our DeepFake Detector, you can confidently filter out AI-generated videos and audio and ensure authenticity in important situations like media reporting and legal proceedings. We understand the danger of deepfakes and the importance of authentic videos and audio. With our expert verification services, you can confidently filter out false videos and audio and ensure their authenticity. Choose a video or audio file that you want to verify for authenticity. For best results, we recommend choosing a video or audio file that is at least 8 seconds long and does not have any edits or special effects. After uploading your video or audio file, click the "detect deepfake" button to start the verification process. You will receive a result that shows the probability of the video or audio being either an AI-generated deepfake or a natural video or audio.