1 Integration with Back At You
View a list of Back At You integrations and software that integrates with Back At You below. Compare the best Back At You integrations as well as features, ratings, user reviews, and pricing of software that integrates with Back At You. Here are the current Back At You integrations in 2024:
Agent Legend
Agent Legend
As real estate and mortgage brokers you know the drill: Work leads. Build pipeline. Close Deals. Repeat. Let Agent Legend learn your likeness and engage with leads for you. Let's face it. Just keeping up with text messages is hard. Agent Legend proactively reaches out on your behalf the way you would if you had all the time in the world. You spend time responding to only the serious leads. Marketing in real estate and mortgage can get pricey. Agent Legend provides data on what lead sources are actually performing best for you, where you can optimize outreach to get a better return and what lead sources just don't work for you. Knowing when to add more people to your team can be a tough decision. Let Agent Legend maximize the hard work your team is currently doing to know when you need to add the next agent, marketing director, or associate.Starting Price: $26 per month
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