Companies interested in a very powerful CAPTCHA that bots cannot solve
About Arkose MatchKey
Arkose MatchKey challenges provide a unique user experience, performance improvements, and powerful styling features.
Traditional CAPTCHAs don’t work because bots get around them. But Arkose MatchKey challenges are designed to meet modern threats head-on by providing the best of defensibility, usability, and accessibility in one product. In fact, Arkose MatchKey is the strongest CAPTCHA ever made.
Arkose MatchKey is a state-of-the-art series of challenges with industry-leading security.
An unparalleled variety of 3D imagery. Our strongest challenges may produce more than 1,250 variations of a problem to solve. All are incredibly easy for legitimate users, but the variety makes it incredibly difficult to solve with automation. We use a key image to solve the largest problem with challenge design: Conveying instructions that are universally understandable across all languages and cultures. Large, aesthetically pleasing images are easy to see.