1 Integration with Anki
View a list of Anki integrations and software that integrates with Anki below. Compare the best Anki integrations as well as features, ratings, user reviews, and pricing of software that integrates with Anki. Here are the current Anki integrations in 2024:
Integrating powerful tools for book annotation, mind mapping, flashcards and more, to build up your reading notes as never before. A brand new e-reader to better study and digest your books. Document for book management and light read-annotation; study notebooks with a full set of the toolkit. Easily create a note by selecting book text. Emphasize text keywords and instant access to a built-in research browser. Regroup and merge notes, linking and re-mapping the way you want. Turn your notes into flashcards to study wherever you go. Word, PDF, Evernote, OmniOutliner, Anki, iThoughts, Xmind, Mindnode. MarginNote is available on Mac, iPad, and iPhone, and they all have almost the same features. All content will be automatically synced when switching from one device to another with iCloud enabled. MarginNote even supports Wifi transfer, so you can one-click sync multiple notebooks & books or the whole library.
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