
Enterprises seeking a tool to securely store, transform, query, and analyze health data in minutes

About Amazon HealthLake

Extract meaning from unstructured data with integrated Amazon Comprehend Medical for easy search and querying. Make predictions on health data using Amazon Athena queries, Amazon SageMaker ML models, and Amazon QuickSight analytics. Support interoperable standards such as the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). Run medical imaging applications in the cloud to increase scale and reduce costs. Amazon HealthLake is a HIPAA-eligible service offering healthcare and life sciences companies a chronological view of individual or patient population health data for query and analytics at scale. Analyze population health trends, predict outcomes, and manage costs with advanced analytics tools and ML models. Identify opportunities to close gaps in care and deliver targeted interventions with a longitudinal view of patient journeys. Apply advanced analytics and ML to newly structured data to optimize appointment scheduling and reduce unnecessary procedures.



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Company Information

Founded: 1994
United States

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Amazon HealthLake Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What kinds of users and organization types does Amazon HealthLake work with?
Q: What languages does Amazon HealthLake support in their product?
Q: What kind of support options does Amazon HealthLake offer?
Q: What other applications or services does Amazon HealthLake integrate with?
Q: What type of training does Amazon HealthLake provide?

Amazon HealthLake Product Features