Financial accounting software for companies
AQURA is a windows based software. It has an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI). AQURA uses a proprietary data base engine, and hence it is much more faster and reliable than the software based on some RDBMS. AQURA has a very powerful set of drill-in browsers, which make it easy to view / organize and modify the financial data. The browsers are customizable. You can change the widths of the columns, hide un-wanted columns, select the level of details displayed etc. Browsers have support for searching the text or amount, sorting on a particular column and filtering of the displayed data. AQURA supports versatile set of reports. Reports can be customized by selecting date ranges / filters, styles and the columns. Currently AQURA supports more than 100 reports, each having various options for customization. AQURA supports use of different type of stationery for different types of reports like invoice, normal reports, vouchers etc.