The IRI Data Protector suite contains multiple data masking products which can be licensed standalone or in a discounted bundle to profile, classify, search, mask, and audit PII and other sensitive information in structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data sources.
Apply their many masking functions consistently for referential integrity:
IRI FieldShield®
Structured Data Masking
FieldShield classifies, finds, de-identifies, risk-scores, and audits PII in databases, flat files, JSON, etc.
IRI DarkShield®
Semi & Unstructured Data Masking
DarkShield classifies, finds, and deletes PII in text, pdf, Parquet, C/BLOBs, MS documents, logs, NoSQL DBs, images, and faces.
IRI CellShield®
Excel® Data Masking
CellShield finds, reports on, masks, and audits changes to PII in Excel columns and values LAN-wide or in the cloud.
IRI Data Masking as a Service
IRI DMaaS engineers in the US and abroad do the work of classifying, finding, masking, and risk-scoring PII for you.