Compare the Top Copy Trading Platforms in Asia as of September 2024 - Page 3

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    All the power of Bitget's cryptocurrency spot, in the palm of your hand. Download the Bitget mobile crypto trading app today. Powerful crypto trading platform for those who mean business. The Bitget crypto trading experience, tailor-made for your Windows or MacOS device. The Bitget API is designed to provide an easy and efficient way to integrate your trading application into our platform. Established in July 2018, Bitget is among the fastest-growing derivatives exchanges, with 1.6 million registered users worldwide. Upholding the mission of trading better, the platform aims to provide global customers with a liberal, ultimate, and fair trading experience, ranging from futures trading to spot trading and digital assets purchasing. Driven by excellence and creativity, Bitget has launched three first-of-its-kind flagship products, USDT-margined futures, one-click copy trade, and Quanto swap futures in three years.
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    Social Trader Tools

    Social Trader Tools

    Social Trader Tools

    Hosted in the cloud 24/7 without the hassle of a VPS, allowing you to copy trades to any amount of trading accounts and much more. Social Trader Tools allows you to manage an unlimited amount of MT4 accounts from any MT4 broker, all from one platform. There is no special software, no complex configurations and no VPS servers required. The core feature of Social Trader Tools is trade copying. Our trade copier is the fastest copier in the market with an average replication speed of 50ms. Once you have your accounts connected to the platform you can setup trade copiers. Trade copiers are highly configurable with various risk types and settings covering all scenarios. With Social Trader Tools you can offer your own trading account out to other users as a signal via a signal page.
    Starting Price: $20 per 2 users
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    Discover a world of opportunities and immerse yourself in a diverse range of +250 tradable assets: forex pairs, commodities, indexes and much more. Get the tightest spread and the highest flexibility with our platform: you are not just trading, you are navigating a vast ocean of possibilities. Our streamlined account setup process ensures you can start trading quickly and hassle-free. No more waiting for days to get started; we prioritize your time and convenience We're committed to providing you with the most competitive trading costs in the industry. Our low fees mean more of your hard-earned money stays in your pocket. Join our vibrant trading community for free. Exchange insights, strategies, and market knowledge with fellow traders to enhance your skills and stay informed.