Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ZXVR_0.84b.zip 2014-12-14 92.0 MB
README_ZXVR.TXT 2014-12-14 6.4 kB
ZXVR_0.81b_Windows.zip 2014-07-31 90.4 MB
ZXVR_0.805b_Windows.zip 2014-07-31 90.4 MB
ZXVR_0.80b_Windows.zip 2014-07-27 90.4 MB
ZXVR_0.78b.zip 2014-06-22 90.3 MB
Totals: 6 Items   453.6 MB 0
.-ZXVR-. Version 0.84b

  ZX Spectrum Virtual Reality emulator (ZXVR)

  Copyright (C) 2014  Juan Jose Luna Espinosa juanjoluna@gmail.com

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

-- About --

ZXVR is a Virtual Reality representation where you are in a VR environment and can interact with an emulated 8-bit computer.
Current 8-bit emulated systems are ZX Spectrum and NES.

-- Supported platforms --

Currently the supported platforms are Windows and Linux. Sorry Mac users, I can't test on Mac :-(
-- Instalation --

You need to have Java installed on your system:

Windows: Go to http://java.com/es/download/index.jsp

Linux: OpenJDK is fine.

The emulator loads the zx programs stored under data/misc/zx/local directory and also directly from worldofspectrum.org through FTP.
The supported file types are .z80, .sna, .szx, .tzx and .tap

For the NES platform .nes files are supported, place them under data/misc/nes/local directory.

-- Running the emulator --

Execute the ZXVR.bat file (Windows) or ZXVR.sh file (Linux) by double clicking on it or execute it from console.

Please wait while the screen is black (content is loading). The first execution take longer, while subsequent executions
will take advantage of the object cache.

-- Keyboard control --

Generic keys:

ESCAPE		Shows/hides the menu or goes back to the previous menu.
ENTER		Select menu option/Apply value
CURSOR UP	Moves up in the menu (shift to go faster)/ Change value up
CURSOR DOWN	Moves down in the menu (shift to go faster)/ Change value down
F1	Turns on/off the ZX Spectrum (The LED on the Spectrum, if the model has one, will show the state)
F2	Resets the ZX Spectrum
F3 	Turns on/off the room light.
F4  Saves a snapshot of the current state, in data/misc/zx/local/Savedxxxx.z80
F5	Toggles cinema screen mode.
F6	Show the Frames Per Second (FPS) onscreen and by console.
F8	Toggle magazine view.
F10	Toggles stereoscopic effect (set IPD to 0)
F11	Toggles Oculus/monoscopic mode (to show in a flat TV)
F12 Reset Oculus Rift rift orientation (yaw)

The keypad cursor keys (in extended keyboards) allows you to move forward/backwards, and Numpad9, Numpad3 upwards and downwards. Use the
mouse with left button to rotate the body.

ZX Spectrum:

The cursor keys emulate the Kempston joystick in the Spectrum.

The rest of the keys are mapped to the Spectrum keyboard.


The cursor keys are mapped to the arrow keys. The fire buttons are "Z" and "X".

"Enter" and "Shift" are Start and Select keys.

-- Joystick control --

You can use any USB Joystick to move, and rotate the body, but it has to be configured.
TODO: How to configure the joystick.

-- Mouse control --

You can control the 'body' rotation with left mouse button, and also
move with left mouse button + control (+ shift for vertical movement)

-- How to load a game --

Before starting the application, put your games under the data/misc/zx/local directory for Spectrum, and for NES put the
ROM files under data/misc/nes/local. You can have any subdirectories there if you like.

For Spectrum, the compressed files (.zip) are read.

If the program is a snapshot (.z80, .sna, .szx) or a NES ROM simply select it through the menu and press Enter.

If it is a tape (.tzx, .tap), first select Tape loader in the Spectrum menu with cursor keys and enter, or to load
a 48Kb Spectrum, type load"" and press enter. Then select the game in the menu and press enter, it will start to load
(accelerated). To load tapes with normal speed set the corresponding option in the menu.

Lastly, if system is Spectrum and the selected file is an image (jpg, png, gif,...) it will load in the magazine view, wich opens/hides pressing F8.

Additionally, staring at the pile of magazines on the desk shows the image view, as if pressing F8.

-- Changelog --

0.84b Updated support to OculusSDK 0.4.4
0.83b Updated Bridj version to 20140629
0.82b Added support for loading different VR scenarios.
0.80b Added NES emulation support.
0.78b Improved shadows (less shadow acne). Solved eye-neck traslation error (global position should work now)
0.77b Solved bug with monoscopic camera in cinema mode. Optimized shadows.
0.76b Added display selection menu option.
0.75b Added License clause to allow use of Oculus SDK. Added pixel density option.
0.74b Used SDK distortion. Added integration of position tracking (not yet provided by the SDK). Added Chroma aberration and TimeWarp options. Added 3d sound of light switch.
0.73b Added option for selecting shadow detail (now GraphicShadows is an int). Solved focus bug. Added some posters on the wall.
0.72b Added high resolution ZX Spectrum 48k model (25k triangles)
0.71b Added menu for Spectrum model selection and 3d model for 48kb. Upgraded to JSpeccy 0.93
0.70b Added config file option GraphicsShadows to allow deactivating shadows.
0.69b Changed .bat files, upgraded Bridj library version with fixes.
0.68b JOculus library 64 bit dll
0.67b Updated menu when saving snapshot so it is shown. Changed Oculus Rift native binding to JOculus
0.66b Better fov when in mono (not Oculus) mode. Fit magazine size when hiding.
0.65b Magazine view, with local and ftp access to image files (jpg, png, gif,...). Toggles with F8
0.64b Lowered ambient light. Enabled barrel distortion texture filter (anti-aliasing)
0.63b Shift for fast menu navigation. Solved bug with gamepad axis 0. DeadZone in joystick config file.
0.62b Added body rotation with the gamepad
0.61b The body can be rotated with the mouse. Page down and Page up. Solved bug with unsupported Spectrum files.
0.60b Option for Rift yaw correction. Menus. Integration with worldofspectrum.org
0.58b Initial release.
Source: README_ZXVR.TXT, updated 2014-12-14