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==============  Z-Push Zimbra Backend - Release Notes - Revision 50 ==============




Changes Made To Revision 50:
 - Removed use of Mail_MimeDecode for synching emails out to the device, and
   for getting details of the original email for Smart Forward/Reply as it 
   was found to be consuming huge chunks of memory whenever an email had large 
   attachments. This could cause the sync to crash. It would continue to
   crash every time the phone tried to sync the mail folder until such time
   as the message was moved on the server, or was outside of the window for
   days to sync. Replaced functionality with native zimbra soap calls.
   Mail_MimeDecode is still needed for SendMail from the phone to handle the
   raw rfc822 data sent to zimbra - hopefully people will not be sending 
   huge attachments from their phones but, even if the send does fail, it 
   will not affect the sync of emails out to the phone.
 - Fixed filtering Calendar/Contacts/Task folders when virtual is set to false
   for a folder type and SmartFolders is enabled
 - Removed function FromHeaderFix - as it is not used
 - Removed function GetAttachmentBody - as it is not used
 - Removed function GetBody - as it is not used
 - Changed text/html encoding from base64 to quoted-printable for mime body
   as it generally produced smaller output

Changes Made To Revision 49:

 - HTML email when used with a patched install of the as12 branch of z-push
   from the z-push SVN repository. I will document the installation process
   separately in the near future. It has been tested with Android 2.3 and
   Windows Mobile 6.5 to date. I have no access to Apple devices so cannot
   do any testing on those - so they may still need some work.
   The remainder fo the changes below apply to installations under either an 
   official z-push 1.5.x release, or the patched as12 release.
 - Added new options to the config file to allow disabling of any folder
   type system-wide. See details in notes at top of zimbra.php file 
 - Added new SmartFolders feature - to allow users to control the list of 
   folders they wish to sync to their devices without using XML files 
   NOTE: If you wish to enable SmartFolders - you MUST stop sync and clear
   all old state data from the state folder. Even if no SmartFolder names
   are used, the sequence and naming of the folders will change
   NOTE: If SmartFolders are enabled, XML files will not be processed 
   To enable the feature set ZIMBRA_SMART_FOLDERS to true in config.php
   Once enabled, the final character in a folders name can take on special
   meanings as follows :-
    "-" Do not include this folder or any subfolders thereof
    "." Include this folder - But do not include any subfolders thereof
 - Changed Attachments handling to allow attachments in multi-part messages
   to be returned. Also allows attaching of an email as a .eml file
 - Added ability to filter out Completed Tasks during sync - Note: As zimbra 
   does not store a Completed Date, the last modified timestamp is used
 - Added Reminders for Tasks (for zimbra 7.0+) - need a zcs 6.0.nn user to test
   if it will work on zcs 6.0.nn also
 - Enhancement in SendMail to include original message text for reply/forward
   This is done in preference to attaching the original as Android devices are
   unable to open .eml attachments natively at this time
 - Added check in SendMail for z-push version to ensure we properly format the
   path to the "state" directory - change is to match the config.php change to
   the definition of STATE_DIR introduced by z-push 1.5 
 - Fix in SendMail to honour ZIMBRA_ENFORCE_VALID_EMAIL when set to true. If
   the from email address used is not a valid one for the account it is 
   replaced by the default sender email address. 
 - Fix in SendMail to add sender name to the address in all cases. This is a 
   generalized fix based on the original premise of the ZIMBRA_NOKIA_MFE_FIX
   as it seems that iPhone and Android also send emails without a sender name
 - Fixed GetSearchResults to match response 'keys' to latest zpushdefs.php 
 - Fixed possible memory leaks and reduced memory usage by unset()ing rtf and 
   mime decoder class instances, and various arrays
 - Removed the input parameter from the params array send to Mail_mimeDecode
   as it is already passed to the class on creation, and created and unset a
   params object to ensure that memory is cleaned up
 - Fix for special characters (",&,<,>) in user passwords
 - Added fix for Euro symbol & other non-standard cp1252 characters
 - Changes made to MoveMessage to prevent items being moved from one account to
   another, and from one folder type to another. These restrictions are to
   prevent items becoming inaccessible on the device. See comments in function
   for more information.
 - Removed username from Sync Request log entry for z-push 1.5 and later as 
   the z-push engine is already logging it
 - Fix for Categories field from HTC Desire (Android 2.2) - Phone sends an
   empty string Categories field instead of an array. The blank field caused an
   error in CreateTagRequest. Fix to check that (is_array(input->categories))
 - Fix added for iPhone/iPad/etc Meeting Request/Response handling as it appears
   that the Apple client sends off meeting requests/responses directly from the
   handset instead of letting the server handle them 
 - Fix in PROVISIONING getPolicyKey to avoid writing "validate" records in  
   database for android devices 
 - Fix in PROVISIONING generatePolicyKey to limit upper bound on random number 
   generator to 2147483647 (as some phones cannot handle larger numbers)
 - Added function ReportMemoryUsage (called on Logoff) to track memory use
 - Added new functions that are needed for ActiveSync protocol version 12
   - ImportMessageFlag - use of this required a change to request.php
   - GetSettings - used for Out-Of-Office
   - SetSettings - used for Out-Of-Office, and storing Handset data
   - Updated GetSearchResults to add mailbox search capability  


Minimise use of Mail_MimeDecode - to avoid running out of memory

Shortly after publishing Release 49 an issue was discovered when handling an
email with a 13MB attachment. The loading of the email, and processign it with
Mail_MimeDecode resulted in the session running out of memory. The session 
crashed, and reported a memory allocation error in the Apache log file. 

Prior to release 49, this function was only used once in the application - at
the point where the user is sending an email from the phone. It is used to
process the raw uploaded file to prepare it for zimbra to send. 

Release 49 introduced it's use to other places, synching emails out to the 
device, and for getting details of the original email for Smart Forward/Reply. 
It was in these places where it was found to be consuming huge chunks of 
memory whenever an email had large attachments. This could cause the sync to 
crash. It would continue to crash every time the phone tried to sync the mail 
folder until such time as the message was moved on the server, or was outside 
of the window for days to sync. 

Release 50 has replaced the functionality for which this function was used 
with native zimbra soap calls.

Mail_MimeDecode is still needed for SendMail from the phone to handle the raw 
rfc822 data sent to zimbra as it was in releases prior to 48 - hopefully 
people will not be sending huge attachments from their phones but, even if 
the send does fail, it will not affect the sync of emails out to the phone.

Fixed filtering Calendar/Contacts/Task virtual folders

When ZIMBRA_VIRTUAL_<Folder type> is set to false for a folder type with 
SmartFolders enabled, the folder list was not being filtered correctly. This
has been fixed, and should now be working as expected.

System-wide Disable Switches for Folder Types

Several users have asked over time if it is possible to turn off Email sync or
Calendar sync for an entire installation. Up to now it has only been possible
through a hack to force all users to read a particular XML file.

This release makes it possible to turn off individual folder types through the 
config file. Enabling any of these switches will turn off that folder type (for 
example email) for every user of the system. It will prevent all users from 
syncing their email to their mobile devices.

The default setting remains that these switches are either not present - or are 
set to false - in which case all folder types will be available for synching.

=== To Disable Sync of any Folder Type System-wide ===
Add the appropriate definition from this block to config.php, and set it true
NOTE: Devices will need a full-resync to remove the unwanted content



For many releases now, there has been the ability to manipulate the number and types
of folders that could be synced for an individual user through the use of user.XML 
configuration files. While this worked well, it meant that the system administrator 
had to be involved in every change for every user. 

This release introduces a new feature called SmartFolders as an alternative to XML
files that will hopefully make it easy for users who wish to manipulate their syncing 
content to be able to do the job themselves.

Note that SmartFolders and XML files are mutually exclusive on the server. Enabling
SmartFolders disables the use of user.XML files for everyone. 

To enable the feature set ZIMBRA_SMART_FOLDERS to true in config.php

Once enabled, the final character in a folders name can take on special meanings as 
follows :-
 "-" Do not include this folder or any subfolders thereof
 "." Include this folder - But do not include any subfolders thereof

So for example you might have a top level folder called "Archive-" into which you  
move all old folders that you do not want to be able to see from your device.

Or you might have a "ToBeFiled." folder that contains a number of child folders used
for longer term storage of reference emails. Naming it with a period (.) on the end
will allow you to see that folder on your phone - so you can move emails in there to
clear your Inbox - and then when you get to your desktop you can file all the emails
into the appropriate child folders. 

The SmartFolders feature is particularly useful on Android devices - which list out
every folder from your server across the top of the email client.

=== To enable the Smart Folders feature ===
NOTE: Enabling SmartFolders will DISABLE user.XML processing
      It will also rename/resequence folder ID's in the state file for
      the device - so state directory must be cleared prior to it's use

User control of Folder types
NOTE: z-push does not do hierarchy resync properly at this time - so if a user wishes 
to make changes to their sync rules using the following directives, they should first
remove the sync account from their phone - then make the changes - then re-add the 
account to their phone. 

When SmartFolders are configured, in instances where individual users wish to disable 
particular folder types from syncing to their devices, a special top-level folder 
structure can be used to configure those options. This provides the major filtering
capability that would have been available through user.XML files. 

If a folder named '*SyncConfig*' is found, the system will use any child folders in
that folder to configure options. 

The names of the sub-folders will be interpreted as configuration directives.

These should have the format of 
<folder type>&<setting=value>[&<setting=value>& ...]

<folder type> can be any one of message, contact, appointment, task and 
<setting=value> can be any one of 
active=true/false - active=false will disable sync of that folder type
virtual=true/false - virtual=false will turn of sync of additional folders (not
                     applicable for message type)
primary=FolderName - setting primary will override the default primary folder for
                     that content type (Inbox, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks)

So, for example, you could have 

   message&active=false  to disable email sync
   task&active=true&virtual=false  to limit the task sync to the primary folder
   appointment&active=true&virtual=false&primary=WorkCalendar  to limit 
                                    appointment sync to the WorkCalendar folder
The *SuncConfig* folder, and it's contents will never be synced to the phone so
long as ZIMBRA_SMART_FOLDERS is set to true.

Improvements in Attachment Handling

Attachments handling has been completely re-written to allow attachments in multi-part 
messages to be returned. This restructuring also has an added benefit in that it 
allows attaching of an email as a .eml file to another email. 
Note: Android is currently unable to open attached email messages - but other clients
should be able to do so.

Improvements in Task Sync

Added ability to filter out Completed Tasks during sync - Note: As zimbra does not
store a Completed Date, the last modified timestamp is used

Added Reminders for Tasks (for zimbra 7.0+) - I no longer have a zcs 6.0.nn install
so if someone running version 6 can uncomment the 7.0 restriction and test it would 
be very much appreciated.

Improvements in SendMail

The entire SendMail function has been re-written to decompose the mime message 
received from the phone, and to recompose it prior to sending. This allows for
easy fixing of the from address, as well as implementing SmartForward and 
SmartReply (where the phone does not send the original content with the reply/
forward text)

The major enhancement in SendMail is to include original message text for reply/
forwarded emails. This is done in preference to attaching the original as Android 
devices are unable to open .eml attachments natively at this time. In a future
release I may look to make this optional - or to follow the configuration in the 
users Web client preferences

Added check in SendMail for z-push version to ensure we properly format the path
to the "state" directory - change is to match the config.php change to the
definition of STATE_DIR introduced by z-push 1.5 - The emails to be send are first 
uploaded to the state directory, and then send from there by zimbra.

Fix in SendMail to honour ZIMBRA_ENFORCE_VALID_EMAIL when set to true. If the
from email address used is not a valid one for the account it is replaced by the
default sender email address. 

Fix in SendMail to add sender name to the address in all cases. This is a 
generalized fix based on the original premise of the ZIMBRA_NOKIA_MFE_FIX as it
seems that iPhone and Android also send emails without a sender name

Search should now return proper results
Fixed GetSearchResults to match response 'keys' to latest zpushdefs.php 
Company searches should now return lists of users as expected.

Improvements in Memory Management
Fixed possible memory leaks and reduced memory usage by unset()ing rtf and mime
decoder class instances, and various arrays
Note: even with these improvements, the memory footprint of an individual session
has increased slightly as a result of all the new functionality 

Removed the input parameter from the params array sent to Mail_mimeDecode as it
is already passed to the class on creation, and created and unset a params object
to ensure that memory is cleaned up

Fix for Special Characters in Passwords
Fix for special characters (",&,<,>) in user passwords. These characters should 
no longer prevent users from synching.

Fix for Euro Symbol and Other cp1252 Characters
Added fix for Euro symbol & other non-standard cp1252 characters that are not
represented in UTF-8 

Restricted MoveMessage to single accounts/folder types
Changes made to MoveMessage to prevent items being moved from one account to
another, and from one folder type to another. These restrictions are to
prevent items becoming inaccessible on the device. 

It seems that when you move a message from a folder shared with you into one of
your own folders, ór vide-versa, zimbra assigns it a completely new message id. 
However, there is no way to retrive what that new message id is through the SOAP 
call. Therefore we ended up with a message now in the receiving folder that the 
phone thinks still has it's original id from the originating folder. However, on 
the server the id has changed. The item id on the phone therefore does not exist 
on the server - and as a result cannot be moved/deleted/manipulated on the phone. 
It will just sit there until the sync window (3 days for example) causes it to 
drop out of the phone.

To avoid this situation - the phone is now prevented from moving items from one
users folder to another user's folder. Any attempt to move an item in this way 
will return an error to the phone, and will log a message to the debug.txt file.

Tidied up SyncRequest log entries
Removed username from Sync Request log entry for z-push 1.5 and later as the 
z-push engine is already logging it

HTC Android - Categories Fix
Implemented a fix for Categories field from HTC Desire (Android 2.2)

In the case where a modified item on the phone, has no categories associated 
with it, the phone sends an empty string in the Categories field. This is unexpected
in two ways. Firstly, most phones simply omit the field as it is optional. Secondly,
it sends a string variable instead of an array of string variables. The blank
field caused an error in CreateTagRequest. 

The fix is to check that (is_array(input->categories)) prior to calling the 
CategoriesToTags function.

Apple iPhone/iPad Meeting Request/Response Fix
Note: As I do not own or have access to any Apple devices, I have been limited to 
third party testing on this. It may still need more work.

A fix has been added for iPhone/iPad/etc Meeting Request/Response handling as it 
appears that the Apple client sends off meeting requests/responses directly from the 
handset instead of letting the server handle them. This was resulting in duplicated
emails going to and from the attendees and meeting organizer. 

Hopefully the behaviour will be much better with these changes.

Improvements in PROVISIONING handling
Fix in PROVISIONING getPolicyKey to avoid writing "validate" records in  
database for android devices 

Fix in PROVISIONING generatePolicyKey to limit upper bound on random number 
generator to 2147483647 (as some phones cannot handle larger numbers)

Added Memory Use Reporting Function
Added function ReportMemoryUsage (called on Logoff) to track memory use

Added new Functions needed for ActiveSync 12 protocol
Added new functions that are needed for ActiveSync protocol version 12
 - ImportMessageFlag - use of this required a change to request.php
 - GetSettings - used for Out-Of-Office
 - SetSettings - used for Out-Of-Office, and storing Handset data
 - Updated GetSearchResults to add mailbox search capability  

==============  Z-Push Zimbra Backend - Release Notes - Revision 50 ==============
======================== CHANGES MADE IN EARLIER RELEASES ========================

Changes Made To Revision 48:
 - Critical fix for v5 compatability fix. LookupV5Timezone missing the 
   $this->  pointer, so calls to the function caused crash in backend.
 - Fix typo in name of v5timezone.xml file
 - Added more error handling/logging around zimbra 5 compatability code, and 
   updated the v5 compatability notes
 - Change to ExtractSessionID to return session for zimbra 5 
 - Change AlterPing to always return false for zimbra 5 as i4ms flag used by 
   AlterPingChanges does not exist on zimbra 5. Old folder ping method must
   be used
 - Fix in GetZimbraFolders to check for a folder identifier (l) before adding 
   the folder to the folder list. This is to avoid including any folders from
   the notify block in the soap response
 - Moved setting of _wasteID out of GetFolder and into Setup as GetFolder is 
   only called on a Hierarchy Sync - not on every sync - so it ended up being  
   set to false more often than not
 - Fix in GetMessage to not create another meeting request out of a meeting 
   acceptance email
 - Fix in CreateMeetingRequest to add invitees to the meeting if they are 
   provided, and to send out meeting invitations to the email addresses
   specified (Android sends them - Nokia/WM don't - Not sure about iPhone)
 - In function GetBody added html_entity_decode and preg_replace for duplicate
   blank lines to make plain text output more readable when there is no 
   text/plain body part in the message 
 - Moved PROVISIONING: getDeviceRWStatus log message so it only logs for 
   unrecognised devices or those that have had a device wipe requested
 - Added option to define ZIMBRA_DEBUG as 'user1' or 'user1,user2,userN' to 
   enable zimbra soap debug messages for just the listed accounts. Defining
   it as true/false will continue to work as before

Changes Made To Revision 47:
 - Added NokiaFakeOut to allow Nokia E72 and some other models to Send emails
 - Added compatability fix for zimbra 5 timezone handling (see notes below)
 - Changed ConvertItemIdToInvID to check for shared item IDs (i.e. look for a
   ":" in the passed $id) in case user modifies a shared appt on phone
 - removed l= specified from ModifyAppointmentRequest to avoid moving a shared
   appt to user's own Calendar when editing it on the phone
 - Fix to avoid replacing the organizer name/email in ModifyAppointmentRequest
 - Check for Organizer Name exists before outputting (to avoid error in log)
 - Fix in GetBodyRecursive to use mb_detect_encoding() to identify the original 
   encoding of an email - prior to converting it to UTF-8 for the phone. To use
   mb_detect_encoding, the PHP extension package php-mbstring must be installed

Changes Made To Revision 46:
 - Added new functions TagsToCategories & CategoriesToTags to support syncing
   Categories<->Tags on all content types
 - Extended Categories<->Tags syncing to Appointments/Tasks (Note: z-push doesn't
   support categories on Message sync in z-push 1.4)
 - Fixed loop counter in Setup function to prevent recursion through all newly
   added folders when checking for children of linked folders
 - In StatMessage function for 'message' replaced call to GetMsgRequest with call 
   to GetMsgMetadataRequest to reduce data transfer and logging
 - Improved sync of Birthday/Anniversary - Dates on zimbra must be in YYYY-MM-DD
   format (or if --MM-DD format this/next year will be added depending on date)
 - Fixed Children sync on Contacts by treating the value as an array instead of
   a string. Uses implode/explode (Note: does not sync to Nokia Children field)
 - Hard linked webpage sync on Contacts to workURL on zimbra as only one of the 3
   workURL, homeURL and otherURL can be synced out to the phone, and once sync'ed
   if a change is made to the contact on the phone, we would not know which of the
   three URL fields to sync webpage to on an incoming contact
 - Fix to avoid overflowing 32-bit integer for calExpandInstStart and 
   calExpandInstEnd when syncing calendar/tasks. Use strval() and append "000"
   instead of multiplying by 1000
 - Replaced divide by 1000 with substr() to avoid conversion issues in
   Date4ActiveSync and GetMessage (appointment request email)
 - Added new CONFIG.PHP key ZIMBRA_DEBUG to enable/disable logging of the SOAP 
   requests & responses, and the Setup Folder Lists. This allows more granular
   debugging than using on the value of the WBXML.PHP key WBXML_DEBUG that turns on 
   Z-Push internal logging. It is now possible to log either on their own, or both 
 - Fix in GetMessage to avoid e_attribute_?? arrays to match names with email 
   addresses, as a blank value for a persons name would result in the incorrect
   Personal name being matched with any subsequent email addresses
 - Removed unused code and debug statements, and tidied up code
 - Added DeviceType on new, and updated DeviceType and UserAgent on sync in
   getDeviceRWStatus to show most recent client version that sync'ed
 - Fixed reference to this_WasteID instead of $this->_wasteID

Changes Made To Revision 45:
 - Implemented the provisioning "Remote Device Wipe" functionality. This needs a
   MYSQL database to work. To disable it, set PROVISIONING to false in config.php
 - Sync Device Categories with Server Tags (requirement for zimbra 7)
 - Removed html="1" from GetMsgRequest calls in StatMessage to reduce data returned 
 - Fixed getBody to compare on passed $html variable instead of $this->_useHTML 
 - Added comments & Reduced logging in AlterPingChanges 

Changes Made To Revision 44:
 - Fixed parameters on iconv call added by Release 43 to handle foreign languages

Changes Made To Revision 43:
 - Implemented the new AlterPing/AlterPingChanges method from 1.4 to reduce the
   number of hits on the backend for monitored folders. Operates on the basis of
   monitoring the i4ms flag on folders for changes
 - Added handling of RTF field in appointment/task/contact where no Body/Notes  
   field received. Requires z_RTF.php include file from as12 branch of z-push SVN 
   to decode the Compressed RTF stream. Issue reported by Danish language user
 - Removed multiple classes/functions that were duplicates of those in diffbackend
   to simplify the updating of the code to match future z-push releases. We should
   only declare "standard" classes/functions where we have a need to override.
 - Changed debug logging of Soap Request/Response to follow WBXML.PHP debug flag 
   so that basic application flow debugging will not flood logs 
 - Changed date selection criteria for Appointments/Tasks to use the attributes  
   calExpandInstStart and calExpandInstEnd where Start is determined by cutoffdate
   or defaulted to 366 days in the past and End is arbitrarily set to 366 days in
   the future 
 - Fixed some issues with recurring appointments on last day or named day of month
   Outgoing appointments would set WeekOfMonth to -1 when ActiveSync wants a value 5
   Incoming appointments would set bysetpos to 5 where zimbra wants a value -1
 - Changed default for all folder types to recursive=true - XML will still override

Changes Made To Revision 42:
 - Fixed typo in $this->_virtualAddressbook missing an "s" on end
 - Added isset checking to clean up "undefined index" entries in debug log

Changes Made To Revision 41:
 - Fixed Bug With SendAsEmail and SendAsName

Changes Made To Revision 40:
 - Added 'function_exists' Check for Timezone Functions
 - Fixed Some Profile Parsing Issues
 - Fixed Bug Where '&' in Subject or Body of Appointment Would Cause it Not to Sync

Changes Made To Revision 39:
 - Removed PHP-SOAP From Requirements
 - Added Error Checking For PHP-CURL
 - Changed Tag For Search Folders In User File
 - Meeting Organizer Name & Email Uses SendAsName and SendAsEmail From User File.  If Not Specified, Get From Zimbra
 - Added Config File Option (ZIMBRA_ENFORCE_VALID_EMAIL) To Prevent User (True) From Using Email Address (SendAsEmail) Not Owned By Them

Changes Made To Revision 38:
 - Search Folder Support Added For Mail
 - Fixed Bug In Profile Loading
 - Fixed Bug That Was Not Handling The Absense Of The "Optional" AllDayEvent Flag From The Phone (Palm Pre Issue)
 - Fixed Bug In AllDay Appointments Timezone
 - Fixed Bug Where Multi-Day AllDay Server Appointment Appearing As Single Day On Phone
 - Fixed Bug In Generating Timezone Blob From Zimbra Appointment That Caused Recurring Appointments To Move
 - Fixed Meeting Request Emails So They Request Response (Accept/Decline/Tentative)
 - Implemented MeetingResponse To Handle Meeting Requests (Requires Z-Push 1.4 Or Later)
 - Refactored To Use $tzObject To Identify Every Instance Of A Timezone Identifier For Converting To/From ActiveSync
   (Excessive Use Of $tz Was Getting Confusing)  
 - Removed Some Nokia Specific Code That Is No Longer Needed Now Timezones Are Working Better

Changes Made To Revision 37:
 - Added Ability For Multiple Profiles In User Preference File (See Below For Details)
 - Fixed Timezone Handling For Calendar Appointments
 - Added Ability To Specify Roaming Timezone (See Below For Details)
 - Tasks Implemented - Note: Zimbra supports a limited set of the ActiveSync Task functionality
   (eg. Date Completed/Reminders/Repetition/Categories are not supported)
Source: ReadMe - Release Notes - Revision 50.txt, updated 2011-05-27