Home / zdt-patches
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
readme.txt 2013-05-12 1.9 kB
net.sourceforge.zdt.flashcard_1.0.1.jar 2013-05-12 421.0 kB
net.sourceforge.zdt.flashcard_0.9.0.jar 2013-04-25 424.7 kB
Totals: 3 Items   847.6 kB 0

What are plugins and patches?

ZDT is composed of plugins. For example, the CEDICT dictionary or the stroke animation are plugins. Physically, each plugin is a jar-file.
When a bug of a particular plugin has been fixed, the corrected plugin can be installed without the need to release and to install a new version of ZDT.
Thus, ZDT has been patched by the corrected plugin.

You can download patches (respectively plugins) from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/zdt/files/zdt-patches/
Version numbers of patches/plugins are not related to ZDT's version numbers.

Install instructions

1) download the jar file, i.e. net.sourceforge.zdt.flashcard_1.0.1.jar 
2) copy it to the folder: [zdt-install-folder]\plugins\ 
3) if an old version of this plugin exists in that folder, remove the old plugin file (i.e. net.sourceforge.zdt.flashcard_1.0.0.jar)
4) open the following file with a pure text editor i.e. notepad: [zdt-install-folder]\configuration\config.ini
5) search in that file the name of the old plugin file (i.e. net.sourceforge.zdt.flashcard_1.0.0.jar) and replace it by the new plugin file name (i.e. net.sourceforge.zdt.flashcard_1.0.1.jar)
6) save the file, close it, start ZDT and have fun with the new installed plugin
7) you may verify if ZDT is running with the new plugin: in ZDT click Help > About ZDT > Installation Details > Plug-ins, and find in the list the newly installed plugin  

Changes in flashcard plugin version 1.0.1 [by kaya]
* Bugfix [3613142]: order of imported entries is now respected
* Bugfix [1604041]: in pinyin recall moving to next card can be set from 0 to 999 seconds. If moved manually to the next card, zdt's timer to move to the next card is canceled. 
Source: readme.txt, updated 2013-05-12