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Spreadsheets are hard. Nostra is easy.

A single tool that advances the performance of your professional services business through data and AI.

Save administrative costs with simple time tracking and approvals. Understand with precision how your employees are actually spending their time relative to plan. Gain insights on the performance of your company so you can be more strategic on growing your business. Integrate with your existing CRM, or leverage Nostra's to gain insight on your profits and how your sales pipeline is putting demands on your resources. Make only the hires you have to. Gain early insight your sales pipeline and being intune with all inflight projects, Nostra will guide you on exactly when, what and who to hire for. Track milestones and time entry so you know what you can invoice for and when and get paid on time. With approval workflows and integrations with GL systems, you will not leak any revenue.
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BIGDBM is a leading provider of B2B data

For marketing companies, sales organizations, data providers, e-commerce stores

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Simply Powerful Maintenance Management Software

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