Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
LiveCD 2010-09-11
YoshiXPre-Alpha- 2010-09-11 509.5 MB
YoshiX_readme.rtf 2010-09-11 942 Bytes
Totals: 3 Items   509.5 MB 0
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 README:\
Login: guest\
Pass: guest\
Please use root only when needed. Otherwise, ask first.\
Root: root\
Root pass: root\
Windows: How to use\
Windows 7: Burn image to blank disc using Windows Image Burner.\
(Optional:) Use WindowsImgBurner to write image to USB.\
Other Windows: Use a 3rd party image burner.\
Mac: Instructions\
Use Disk Utility to burn the image to a blank disk.\
To Boot on Mac: Hold the C button during boot of Mac. Highly Unreccomended, please try to boot anywhere else, but if Mac is needed, boot this way.\
Linux: Unsupported\
Source: YoshiX_readme.rtf, updated 2010-09-11