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(c) XSIBACKUP-PRO for ESXi Hypervisor 5.1/5.5/6.0/6.5/6.7

Do you want CBT (Changed Block Tracking), compatibility with (c)ESXi 7 
and granular restores per restore point?

Download new (c)XSIBackup-Free at: https://33hops.com/download-form.html 


	ATTENTION: if you have your .vmdk disks spread across different 
	data stores, XSIBackup software might overwrite disks, as it copies 
	every .vmdk disk to the same backup folder. If this is your case, 
	you should rename the disks so that they are unique. 


    Unzip the distribution package in any folder of your ESXi server. You
	can then install the package by using the install script, you just need
	to make the "install" file executable and follow the instructions 
	on-screen. You can run the below command from the same folder once 
	you have unpacked the distribution package. If you are reading this,
	you have already done so.

		# chmod 0700 install && ./install
	The install script saves the working /conf folder to a temporary dir
	at the /tmp FS and restores it when the install script has finished.
	Should you have some RSA or XSIDiff keys, xsibackup-cron.log files, 
	crontabs, etc... the installation process will respect them.
	ATTENTION: the install script will only detect the configuration files, 
	jobs, keys, etc... if they are in the default recommended dir. If you 
	have installed to any other custom directory you will have to back them 
	up and restore them manually, unless you want to start with a blank 
	(c)XSIBackup-Pro configuration.
	(c)XSIBackup-Pro 11.2.11 sets a new recommended dir: /scratch/XSI and 
	a new recommended installation folder XSIBackup-Pro. To upgrade to 11.2.11 
	you will have to manually backup your previous program folder and copy 
	your jobs, RSA keys and conf/smtsrvs file to the new recommended path
	New recommended installation folder for (c)XSIBackup-Datacenter is:


	- Backup your installation directory out of your ESXi box. If you 
	are using the recommended directories your files will be at 
	/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir if using XSIBackup-Pro 11.2.10
	or below, or /scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-Pro if using version 11.2.11 or 
	- Remove the current XSIBackup-Pro installation: 
	- Extract to the desired path (default recommended path is: 
	/scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-Pro). ATTENTION: copy all files and 
	folders inside the XSIBACKUP-PRO package to the install dir, they 
	are ALL part of the program.
	- You may also use the install script in the user area for your 

	- Restore your jobs in the backup to the <install-root>/jobs folder 
	and fix the	paths to point to the new installation folder.
	- Restore your config files: xsiopts and smtpsrvs from the backup 
	overwritting the ones generated by the new installation.	
	- Restore your RSA key files (xsibackup_id_rsa, xsibackup_id_rsa.pub, 
	xsibackup_id_rsa.pem) from the backup to the root of the new 
	installation folder. This will allow your new installation to still 
	be able to communicate transparently with any previously linked 
	- Install the crontab again: ./xsibackup --install-cron. 
	The /etc/rc.local.d/local.sh file will be modified again to restore 
	the contents of the crontab on every reboot.
	- Copy the ./conf/root-crontab and ./conf/OTHERUSER-crontab overwriting 
	the one created in the previous point.

	- Fix the paths in the ./conf/root-crontab file to point to the new 
	installation folder.

	- Fix the paths in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file to point 
	to the new installation folder or reboot and allow the values in the 
	./conf/root-crontab file repopulate the crontab at 
	- You may also keep the logs at var/logs by copying them to the new 
	installation folder.

	Keeping a renamed [xsi-dir.bak] folder could interfere with commands 
	executed from an outer system via the --host argument, as XSIBackup 
	will look for xsibackup files on the remote systems it connects to. 	

	- If this is your first installation, choose a persistent path to 
	install XSIBACKUP-PRO. If you are not 100% sure that the path you 
	want to install is persistent, use the recommended installation path: 
	The install script will always add the XSIBackup-Pro directory to the 
	chosen path, keep this in mind when installing.
	- Assign exec permissions to the xsibackup file and the bin directory 
	in case you are installing manually.
		youresxi# cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir
		youresxi# chmod -R 0700 src xsibackup EULA bin conf

	- Read the ManPage at https://33hops.com/xsibackup-help-man-page.html

	The first time you run XSIBackup, once it has been installed, it will 
	generate a request.key file for that server. All you have to do is 
	pick that file and upload it to the product named "XSIBackup-Classic" 
	in your registered user's area at https://33hops.com/user-access.html 
	After 5 mins. your license.key file will appear in the list of licenses. 
	Each license.key file has the following format:
	- 23452788 is your client Id.
	- The first characters after the _license_ string are your CPU Id.
	- The last 12 characters in the license string correspond to the server's 
	first NIC MAC address (aa1ec9fe132a).
	You can track your licenses by the NIC MAC address, which from 
	(c)XSIDiff version can be found in the license file name. 
	To get a list of your vmk NICs and their MAC addresses, just issue 
	this command in the ESXi command line:
		esxcfg-vmknic -l
	You will get something like:

		Interface  Port Group/DVPort   IP Family IP Address         Netmask         Broadcast       MAC Address       MTU     TSO MSS   Enabled Type
		vmk0       Management Network  IPv4   00:15:17:be:de:dc 1500    65535     true    STATIC
		vmk1       iSCSI               IPv4   00:50:56:62:66:94 1500    65535     true    DHCP

	The exact command that (c)XSIBackup uses to grab your physical NIC Mac address is:

		esxcfg-nics -l | grep -v "MAC Address" | head -n1 | awk '{print $7}'

	In case you have more than one NIC, or a multiport NIC installed, XSIBackup will use the first MAC listed as per the above command.		

Source: README.txt, updated 2022-07-21