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support 2015-05-25
readme.txt 2015-07-13 12.8 kB
Totals: 2 Items   12.8 kB 4
XOWA is now at github: See https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/releases/

v2.7.2.1 features the following:

* Handle incomplete XML datadumps at http://dumps.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html
* Image updates for Spanish, Japanese, and Swedish
* Support for Extended String Functions for non WMF wikis (Wikia, Nethack)
* Rewritten HTTP server engine to support POST requests
* Minor parser changes

See the CHANGE LOG below for a complete list of items specific to this release.

For more details about the release, see https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/wiki/Blog


XOWA's website is at https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/

If you encounter issues, please post to https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/issues


* There are two types of files:
  * The xowa_app_*** files are for new users. They will have all the files necessary for xowa to run, including the main jars, XulRunner, languages, etc..
  * The xowa_upgrade_*** files are for upgrade users. They will have the xowa jar and any other files specific to the release.
    * Note that upgrade users can also download the xowa_app_*** files and unzip it over their current version. The xowa_upgrade_*** files are provided as a convenience.
    * xowa_upgrade_*** files can be applied to any release within the past month. For example, the xowa_upgrade_linux_v1.8.3.1 file can be used to upgrade from v1.7.3, v1.7.4, v1.8.1 or v1.8.2.
* The paths below are recommendations. Please feel free to choose any other.
* If you've received the readme.txt offline, all files are at https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/releases/

* Java 1.7+
  If you do not have Java 1.7 installed, then please install 1.7 from http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
  On Ubuntu Linux, you can use OpenJDK by running 'sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre'.
* Compression/Decompression program ("unzip")
  The XOWA files will be compressed. If your Operating System does not natively support decompressing, please install 7-Zip from http://7-zip.org.
* 512 MB RAM
  XOWA can run on lower memory machines, but 256 MB is needed for importing the larger wikis (EX: en.wikipedia.org; commons.wikimedia.org)

* Download 'xowa_app_linux_v*.*.*.*.zip'
* Unzip to '/home/your_user_name/xowa/'. When you are done you should have a file called '/home/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_linux.jar' as well as many others
* Open a terminal and run "sh /home/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_linux.sh"
* If "xowa_linux.sh" doesn't work, run "java -Xmx256m -jar /home/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_linux.jar"

Mac OS X 64-bit
* Download 'xowa_app_macosx_64_v*.*.*.*.zip'
* Unzip to '/Users/your_user_name/xowa/'. When you are done you should have a file called '/Users/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_macosx_64.jar' as well as many others
* Open a terminal by doing Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
* Run "sh /Users/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_macosx_64.sh"
  If you get a "No Java runtime present" you will need to set up Java on your machine. There are two options:
  * Update to the latest Java 6 by going to http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572?viewlocale=en_US
    This will be simpler. However, note that Java 6 is an older obsolete version.
  * Download Java 7 by going to java.com
    This will be the most up-to-date Java version. However it requires additional steps.
    * Find your java runtime: Run "/Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java -version" in the terminal to verify the path
    * Assuming your java is at the above location, run XOWA by doing either of the following
      (1) Run the following from the terminal:
          /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java -Xmx256m -XstartOnFirstThread -Xdock:name=XOWA /Users/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_macosx_64.jar
      (2) Change your official java to the plugin version and then run xowa_macosx_64.sh
          sudo ln -fs /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java /usr/bin/java
NOTE: if the XOWA menu bar is not clickable, alt-tab to the terminal and back to XOWA. The menu bar will then be usable

Mac OS X 32-bit
* Download 'xowa_app_macosx_v*.*.*.*.zip'
* Unzip to '/Users/your_user_name/xowa/'. When you are done you should have a file called '/Users/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_macosx.jar' as well as many others
* Open a terminal by doing Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
* Run "sh /Users/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_macosx.sh"
* If "xowa_macosx.sh" doesn't work, run "java -Xmx256m -d32 -XstartOnFirstThread -jar /Users/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_macosx.jar"

If XOWA fails to launch after the steps below, please check the following:

* Administrator privileges: If you're on Windows Vista, 7, or 8, try running the program with administrator privileges. You can do so by right-clicking on the exe and choosing "Run as administrator"

* XULRunner: Try double-clicking the xulrunner.exe.
**    Go to C:\xowa\bin\windows_64\xulrunner (or on 32-bit machines, C:\xowa\bin\windows\xulrunner)
**    Double-click xulrunner.exe
**    You should get a message box that starts off with "Mozilla XUL Runner 10.0.10"
**    If it fails with "Can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing...try reinstalling to fix...", then you will need to install the Visual C++ redistributable. See https://sourceforge.net/p/xowa/discussion/general/thread/cc7d867d/

* Arabic characters: XOWA cannot run in a folder with Arabic characters due to a limitation in one of its sub-components (SWT). For example, C:\موسوعات\XOWA will not work. On the other hand, C:\encyclopedia\XOWA will work. For more info, see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=443044.

* Java installation: Check that your Java installation is installed correctly
**    Open a command window by clicking on the Start button, selecting Run and typing in "cmd" (no quotes)
**    Type the following in the terminal window: "java -version" (no quotes)
**    It should report "java version "1.6****" or higher

Windows 32-bit
* Download 'xowa_app_windows_v*.*.*.*.zip'
* Unzip to 'C:\xowa'. When you are done you should have a file called 'C:\xowa\xowa.exe' as well as many others
* Double-click 'xowa.exe'
* If 'xowa.exe' fails to launch, you can also try double-clicking 'xowa_windows.jar'
* If double-clicking doesn't work, you can also try the following:
** Start -> Run > "cmd"
** Enter "java -Xmx256m -jar C:\xowa\xowa_windows.jar"

Windows 64-bit (using 64-bit JRE)
* Download 'xowa_app_windows_64_v*.*.*.*.zip'
* Unzip to 'C:\xowa'. When you are done you should have a file called 'C:\xowa\xowa_64.exe' as well as many others
* Double-click 'xowa_64.exe'
* If 'xowa_64.exe' fails to launch, you can also try double-clicking 'xowa_windows_64.jar'
* If double-clicking doesn't work, you can also try the following:
** Start -> Run > "cmd"
** Enter "java -Xmx256m -jar C:\xowa\xowa_windows_64.jar"

Windows 64-bit (using 32-bit JRE)
* Download 'xowa_app_windows_v*.*.*.*.zip'
* Unzip to 'C:\xowa'. When you are done you should have a file called 'C:\xowa\xowa.exe' as well as many others
* Visit http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
* Click the "Download" button under "JRE"
** Choose the Windows x86 version
*** As of the time of this writing, "Windows x86 Offline" links to http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u40-b43/jre-7u40-windows-i586.exe
** Choose an installation folder. For example, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7_x86"
** After installing, run the following in cmd: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7_x86\bin\java" -Xmx256m -jar C:\xowa\xowa_windows.jar


Setting up Simple Wikipedia
* Once XOWA loads, you will see the Main Page
* Click the link for "Set up Simple Wikipedia". Wait about 3 minutes for the wiki to download and install. When it is finished, it will open Simple Wikipedia
* Browse Simple Wikipedia. When you are done, click on the Main Page link under XOWA in the left hand navigation bar.

Setting up images
* Click the link for "Set up images (Windows)". Wait about 3 minutes for the image programs to install.
* Open the "Wikis" list in the sidebar and click on "simple.wikipedia.org"
* Images will now download for the Main Page. They will automatically download for any page you visit.
  Here are some example pages to visit (you can copy and paste these into the address bar):

Setting up other wikis
* If you want to try any other wiki, click on "list of data dumps" on the XOWA Main Page. You can also navigate to "Help:Import/List"

Downloading offline thumbs
* If you want to download a complete set of images for your wiki, see the following links:
** For instructions, see: http://xowa.sourceforge.net/setup_simplewiki.html and http://xowa.sourceforge.net/setup_enwiki.html
** For a list of image databases see http://xowa.sourceforge.net/image_dbs.html or https://archive.org/search.php?query=xowa

## major
* Import.Online: Handle missing latest links at dumps.wikimedia.org {detected by gnosygnu.gui}.
* HttpServer: Rewrite HTTP Server to handle POST messages.

## add
* ParserFunctions.Lang: Add support for "gender" function (affects: es.v Main_Page showing [[:Plantilla:Género:]]) {detected by gnosygnu.gui}. See: https://es.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Página_principal
* ParserFunctions: Add String Utility functions for non WMF wikis (affects: nethack wiki not showing correct monster template); EX:{{#replace:abc|b|B}} {requested by pirate}. See: http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Vecna

## package
* Package: Release image update for Spanish wikis. See: https://archive.org/details/Xowa_eswiki_latest
* Package: Release image update for Japanese wikis. See: https://archive.org/details/Xowa_jawiki_latest
* Package: Release image update for Swedish wikis. See: https://archive.org/details/Xowa_svwiki_latest

## significant
* Xtn.Timeline: Do not freeze up Web Browser when viewing pages with timeline {detected by anonymous}. See: localhost:8080/home/wiki/Help:Diagnostics/Javascript/Timeline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_System
* Wikidata: Do not escape slashes in default globe value of earth (affects: many missing coordinates in es.w pages); EX:globe: -> http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2  x> http:\/\/www.wikidata.org\/entity\/Q2  {detected by gnosygnu.gui}. See: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerra_civil_en_el_este_de_Ucrania

## minor
* Gui: Do not crash when right clicking on new tab {detected by anonymous}.
* Parser.Lnki: Do not parse width from lnki caption of "1234xTextpx" (affects: several es.b pages have extremely large image at start) {detected by gnosygnu.gui}. See: https://es.wikibooks.org/wiki/Alimentación_infantil

## trivial
* Css: Warn if 0 byte files are downloaded during CSS import {detected by gnosygnu.gui}.
* Parser.Lnki: Handle nested gallery tags (affects: 1 es.w page with mistakenly nested gallery); EX:<gallery><ref><gallery> {detected by gnosygnu.gui}. See: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arquitectura_medieval

## dev
* Source: Replace Err object with Exc.
* Make.Images: Always delete css when building databases {detected by gnosygnu.gui}. See: https://sv.wikiversity.org/wiki/Portal:Huvudsida
* Make.Images: Show better error message when page not inserted due to duplicate keys {detected by gnosygnu.build.warning}.

7658e4c4b4161cd94ddaba2c097e45ae *xowa_app_linux_64_v2.7.2.1.zip
1ed7aa1311fc49e9d4558731c968e2cb *xowa_app_linux_v2.7.2.1.zip
c735eff470abbf610ce22b6eb0464bf6 *xowa_app_macosx_64_v2.7.2.1.zip
ae56c38c8c11e5a2d6e710eafcacf20a *xowa_app_macosx_v2.7.2.1.zip
d52a80afbd0314d0da2810d48679c2fd *xowa_app_windows_64_v2.7.2.1.zip
f17a0a2d6b12c6bc55d2b19beffff6b5 *xowa_app_windows_v2.7.2.1.zip
ecb7222f34d6d6512854b5b791c394e4 *xowa_source_v2.
9d9a14f2e30808792b9f3e0773d59b5f *xowa_upgrade_linux_64_v2.7.2.1.zip
bfcf6bb9d6e2459db13e1cdb1ff99a86 *xowa_upgrade_linux_v2.7.2.1.zip
33b18329c3ff187fda10587913988881 *xowa_upgrade_macosx_64_v2.7.2.1.zip
823c91fa7687493ce36d54b8f8aaeaa3 *xowa_upgrade_macosx_v2.7.2.1.zip
ef87485a134ab1c04e6240d135edd6e3 *xowa_upgrade_windows_64_v2.7.2.1.exe
170afdaff8e3fbcebba1113b9e6b869b *xowa_upgrade_windows_v2.7.2.1.exe
Source: readme.txt, updated 2015-07-13