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Latest xlslib News
NEED HELP: if you look at bug/discussion issues, several people have problems getting the library to build on Linux or Mingw or WIndows. If you are a programmer on such a platform, and would like to become involved in this project to help it run on those platforms, please volunteer! Or at least answer some questions. This is a great opportunity to add an Open Source project to your resume!

Nov 2, 2014
Version 2.5.0 has several fixes to formulas, other minor fixes, nothing major.

NEWS Jan 26 2014: the "notes" feature finally works - getting it to work was a huge undertaking, and required added any drawing objects to the file. However, now much of the work required to support images is done. If you have an interest in adding image files to your files, then add a comment under the "Discussion" topic "Images". 

NEWS Jan 6 2014: the formula class was enhanced to support Array Formulas. In addition, there is a new file in the "targets/test" directory, formulas.cpp, that has many examples of how to construct various types of formulas. 

This library allows a C++, C, or Objective-C programmer to dynamically construct Excel spreadsheets in code. A few test files in the test directory demonstrate usage.

Note that you need some understanding of how Excel itself functions: workbooks, sheets, cells etc. While the sample code should get you started, not all functionality is explained. To delve deeper, you can read the excellent OpenOffice translation of the MS documents (the latter being extremely difficult for mere mortals to read): http://www.openoffice.org/sc/excelfileformat.pdf .

Visual Studio, RadStudio, CodeBlocks, and BSD users can find projects in the xlslib/xlslib/build directory.

Mac and iOS programmers can use JXLS at https://github.com/JanX2/JXLS. [The DHxls library project on this site is out of date and no longer supported.]

Others should cd into the xlslib/xlslib directory, then:

# ./bootstrap # if first attempt fails
make check
make install


Release 2.4.0 April 14, 2013
- Units for 'sheet' row height is now in TWIPS (same as the Excel spec)
- xlslib strings now in their own namespace (thanks to Ger!)
- xlstypes.h now more aware of newer C++ compilers with 16bit strings
- Improved and more MSVS project files, updates to other build projects
- "C" bridge now supports formulas
- Formulas now support references to other sheets
- Formulas now support FUNC_IF
- DHxls now ARCified
- Revised DHxls framework for Mac (using Xcode 4.6)
- New DHxls library for iOS (using Xcode 4.6)

Release 2.3.4 January 15, 2012
- the "area" feature for formulas was not exposed - so exposed it. Thus can now do SUMS(area):
   expression_node_factory_t& maker = wb.GetFormulaFactory();
   cell_t *c1 = sh->number(0, 0, 1.1);
   sh->number(0, 1, 2.2);
   cell_t *c2 = sh->number(0, 2, 3.3);
   expression_node_t *pExpFormula = maker.f(FUNC_SUM, maker.area(*c1, *c2, CELL_RELATIVE_A1));
   sh->formula(0, 3, pExpFormula, true);

Release 2.3.0 January 2, 2012

- new feature: attach a HyperLink to a cell with optional '#' mark
  Can be any type of cell - number, label, etc. Also in bridge.
- new feature: can now set default values for column width and row height
- support for building the project with CodeBlock, RadStudio, and BDS
- blocks now outputted per Excel specification
- hopefully fixed the md5 checksums in "make check"
- code was reformatted with uncrustify to make it easier for me to support
- header cleanup so only required headers in the interface files
- headers in the include directory are now placed in subdirectories.
  IMPORTANT NOTE: You should uninstall the old library first using old source
  (Version 2.2.0, archive still visible), only then install the latest 2.3.0.
  Or, you can do it manually. Look at the /usr/local/include/xlslib folder
  should be directories and only one file, xlslib.h.
- one known bug - creating an empty spreadsheet with no cells is broken.
  File is corrupt according to Excel. This was broken, fixed, now broken again.

Finally: each of the tests run in make check show 100% clean when run with valgrind! You can thank Ger Hobbelt for that!

Release 2.2.0 November 11, 2011
- several bug fixes

October 22, 2011
Release 2.1.0
- support for UTF-8 strings (must have iconv on your system)
- fixed a problem where files exactly 130 512blocks long were unreadable
- hopefully fixed the md5 checksums in "make check"
- converted license from LGPL to BSD

October 16, 2011
Release 2.0.0
- now using SST in support of text LABELs with strings > 255 (8224 bytes supported)
- several bug fixes.
- significant performance improvements
- some support for Formulas (but no help right now) - see the mainC.cpp in test.

November 26, 2009
Release 1.6.0
- release includes a configure script so bootstrapping is not always required
- several bug fixes.
- significant performance improvements
- this is the last release on the original software base - version 2.0 will be quite different internally and much faster

June 21, 2009
Release 1.5.0
- huge number of bug fixes.
- performance improvements - 30x faster - will create a 64000x256 sheet in about 3 minutes.
- now enables creation of document properties
- DHxls Objective-C Framework (SVN repository, trunk/DHxls)

October 25, 2008
Release 1.2.0
- Unicode support (upgrade format to BIFF8) along with previous ASCII
- unlimited size - tested with 256 columns by 64000 rows
- additional formatting options with the new BIFF8 (look in header files)

February 9, 2008
Release 1.0.0
- buildable as 32 or 64 bit
- added a "C" interface to support C-only applications
- requires only the inclusion of a single header file:
- general code cleanup and fixes

April 25th, 2007
Release 0.2.5
- several code and makefile fixes so the project would build
- fixes to the test application so it would build
- license was changed to the Lesser GLP

September 1st, 2004
Release 0.2.1. First stable usable release.

Source: README.txt, updated 2014-11-02