Home / Beini
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
Checksums 2013-04-14
Packages 2013-04-14
Beini 1.2.5.iso 2013-04-14 66.1 MB
Beini 1.2.3.iso 2013-04-14 47.8 MB
Beini 1.2.4.iso 2013-04-14 47.3 MB
Beini 1.2.2.iso 2013-04-14 49.9 MB
reaver-1.4-r113.tcz 2013-04-14 303.1 kB
inflator1_0.tcz 2013-04-14 847.9 kB
Beini 1.2.1.iso 2013-04-14 46.7 MB
Beini 1.0 rc5.2.iso 2013-04-14 30.2 MB
Totals: 10 Items   289.2 MB 22
Xiaopan 6.4.1
• New kernel 3.16.6
• Versioning the same as TCL
• Open box window manager
• Space file manager
• PixieWPS 1.1
• New aircrack (Note: onboot is still using aircrack-ng-1.2-rc1)
• WPAClean (no excuse to not clean your caps)
• Reaver tx6mod
• Autopixie
• HT-WPS-breaker
• FrankenScript
• WiFite Update
• Tabbed terminal so no more asking how to copy and paste
• Easier onboot editor "click on apps in menu and maintenance in the apps program"
compiler so you can build programs
• git and svn repos
• mksquash so you can build your own tcz's
• Tc install to create persistence usb install's
• ntfs file support (so be careful when installing)

When shutting down select none as your backup options "was the only way to load my backup"

If you like it click the like at the bottom of the post don't clutter up the thread with post's, just report any errors etc

- Updated Bully to Bully.2013-09-11 
- Updated @cristi_28 BullyWPS Script to v1.7 (translated & modded by me) 
- Fixed RTL8187L wlan0 instead mon0 issue (reported by @Remington & @estimacamry)
- Fixed Inflator 0 AP's detected issue (reported by @Remington)

Filename: XIAOPAN
Size: 72.5mb
MD5: 1477b92d4e91b692a62781a668342a76 - See more at: http://xiaopan.co/forums/conversations/0-4-7-2.731/#sthash.9aGiVC9o.dpuf 

- Added Local Boot option (does not work on newer BIOSes)
- Updated BullyWPS Script to v1.6 
- Fixed the Bully disappearing issue 
- Fixed Inflator 0 AP's found

Filename: XIAOPAN
Size: 72.5mb
MD5: 0f0e201e23621b6bf9e4b974376db142

Thank you Fantasma and cristi_28 from lampiweb.com forums

Xiaopan 0.4.7

What's new?
Aircrack 1.2 b1
Reaver Mod v2
Bully script
firmware-broadcom.tcz to test with broadcom wireless cards does not work
Wifite Desktop launcher
Bib Desktop launcher
New Root Shell with transparent background (cause i hate the current white )
New icon pack
Documents folder (located in /home/tc) with Bully usage and Crunch to Aircrack (how to pipe) txt. suggestions to include more useful documentation welcome
ab2tce.sh readded
libnl.tcz added
libcrypt added
fltk-1.1.10.tcz added
libxcb.tcz + libgcrypt.tcz added
liblzma.tcz added
ncurses-common.tcz added
tcl.tcz added
Fixed Xfe icons issue
App browser fixed
New background by @hazz death
Added Boot background
Option to boot from local HDD
pci-hotplug-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz to fix usb devices working at boot
Added some statements at the boot menu for newbies.
MD5: c6a305053a856ec64ade174bff4f873d
Filename: XIAOPAN 0.4.7+.iso
Size: 69.16mb

Added: Dual Reaver Mod

md5 checksum:
ISO: 585f86c04a4f419a78a33c2f85767bf8

Xiaopan 0.4.6

TinyCore 4.7.7
feedingbottle 3.2.3 (new icon)
inflator 1.0 (new icon)
flit (date,time & battery meter) auto-launched at startup

different wifi firmware (for testing)
pyrit 0.4.0

md5 checksum:
ISO: 60b9985dd05572e15d84b62049d687b2
ZIP: 84cf184cb1ad2651e296b586a8590adf

What is new in
Not much, added latest minidwep 40325 > 40420 that includes Reaver optimisations built by @minileaf

Xiaopan iso MD5 Checksum:

What is New in
Fixed live boot CD and VMware error with the message ISOLINUX 4.02 debian-20101024 ETCD being displayed at boot which was first reported by @smash and fixed by @camideath666

A minor release that has a few additional packages thanks to minileaf, Aby$m and notepad.

Xiaopan MD5 Checksum:

What's New in
Added Wifite 
built by @Aby$m 

Added latest Minidwep 40325 
built by @minileaf http://xiaopan.co/forums/threads/minidwep-gtk-40325-latest-for-xiaopan.234/

mdk3-v6 in the onboot.lst
Fixed minidwep in the tcz2ram.lst

Added individual checksums for individual files within the ISO

Xiaopan MD5 Checksum:

Verify MD5 with WinMD5Free or similar

Chinese Support: http://www.anywlan.com/

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 Y8a.    .a8P  Y8a     a8P  
  `"Y8888Y"'    "Y88888P"   
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2015-12-07