Other Useful Business Software
Efficiently streamline your school bus route planning and information management Icon
Efficiently streamline your school bus route planning and information management

Save money with improved route efficiency and streamlined operations

Efficiently manage your fleet, drivers, students and routes. Get 24/7 live technical support from anywhere, anytime. Lynx empowers your transport department by providing multiple features to keep up with your school transport needs. Get control of your bus routing data. Easily update student information to any of your bus routes. View multiple routes at one time, set specific parameters in real-time and more. Track and monitor your vehicles plus keep track of fleet maintenance, all in real-time. Easily create customized reports to comply with transportation regulations and requirements. Easily view, map or export all of your rider pickups, special needs riders and group stops in one place.
Quick-to-integrate PDF SDKs and services Icon
Quick-to-integrate PDF SDKs and services

Whether you have thousands of documents or millions, Pdftools has the products and services to help make processing a breeze.

Designed for document-heavy industries, Pdftools’ suite of SDKs and APIs are here to make your document workflows easier, faster, and stress-free. Built on SDKs and APIs, the Pdftools products integrate seamlessly into your existing (or new) systems and applications. Process thousands of documents every minute. Our tools are precision-engineered to be efficient and run at blazing speeds. We’re engineers at heart, so we’re only satisfied with the most reliable, orderly, and usable, and well-documented platforms. Shrink file sizes down, but keep the quality and interactivity. Your documents will always be compliant for long-term archiving. We’ve obsessed over every detail in our products, and documented everything so it’s easy to get started.
Coding Tests and Assessments for Hiring at Scale Icon
Coding Tests and Assessments for Hiring at Scale

For companies that hire engineers

We help fast-growing companies #GoBeyondResumes in technical recruiting by structuring, automating, and scaling interviews with our technical assessment platform
Industry-Leading Auto Dealer Software Icon
Industry-Leading Auto Dealer Software

For Auto dealerships, OEM, independent software vendors, heavy truck dealers

Our automotive software solutions help your dealership respond to today’s challenges and opportunities while creating best-in-class customer experiences.
Powerful During Emergencies, Useful Every Day Icon
Powerful During Emergencies, Useful Every Day

Regroup connects you with the people you care about to keep them safe and informed – anytime, anywhere.

Regroup Mass Notification empowers better mass communication that keeps people safe and informed at all times. The company’s award-winning, cloud-based mass communication platform is what clients across North America and around the globe rely on to send both emergency and day-to-day communications to millions of people. By enabling one-click messaging to mobile devices, landlines, social media, email, websites, and more, Regroup Mass Notification helps organizations keep people safe, strengthen operational resilience, mitigate risk, and thrive in an increasingly unpredictable world.

Additional Details for xca

Operating Systems

Linux, FreeBSD, BSD, Mac, Windows


Croatian, French, English, German

Intended Audience

Information Technology, Telecommunications Industry, System Administrators

User Interface

X Window System (X11), Win32 (MS Windows), Carbon (Mac OS X)

Programming Language




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