Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Linlocalize_install.exe 2021-01-19 3.0 MB
README_WHATSNEW.txt 2021-01-19 8.2 kB
LinLocalize.xml 2021-01-19 13.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   3.1 MB 1
LinLocalize for Windows - A free Translation-Tool for multilingual Window-apps

New in version 1.6.1
- switched to deepl translation engine

New in version 1.6.0
- Added support for 64 bit PE files
- Added a new feature to po export: 'fuzzy' mark for translations is state 'for review' has made optional
- Added simple parameter warning in translation dialog (search for %s %d and check if it existing in traslation too)
- Added Fix First-letter-capitalization function to translation list
- fixed problem at autotranslation in case of multiple lined strings
- fixed external translation using google tranlator
- internal fixes and advantages 

New in version 1.5.2
- The default Projects directory is now placed in the common appdata folder (in windows 7 or higher: C:\Program data\LinLocalize Projects), in stead of in single user My Documents.
- The Test project has been adapted, so that it works under Windows 7 and higher.
- An Innosetup has been added for creating a Windows setup file.

New in Version 1.5.1 (...)
- commandline Interface for basically functions:
  - Update:	Updates all strings from src programm and adds new ones. (in GUI: Update/Create stringlist from recource)
  - Translate:	Translate strings using Glossaris (in GUI: Auto- Tranlate)
  - Generate:	Generate Translation Files (.lpr)  (in GUI: Generate Target-File)
  - Check:	Prooves how many strings are not translated 
- you can call the functions with cmd using the .lpp file from your projekt.

LinLocalize for Windows 1.5 - A free Translation-Tool for multilingual Window-apps

New in version 1.5 (thanks to Peter Lorenz)
- External translation using Google Translate works again
- A great number of bugs have been removed, so that LinLocalize for Windows works even with complex programs
- LinLocalize can now work with DRC files (Delphi / Embarcadero specific), but can still substract and write resources from applications created with other compilers.

DRC files can be created in Delphi > XE2 by choosing the relevant project option. 
In versions older then XE2, choose the option "detailed map" in the linker 
section of the project options.

The helpfiles are not yet updated; look out for version 1.5.1

The source code can be obtained via svn / winlocalize1

Version 1.5 for Windows: e-mail: tak123@users.sourceforge.net. Homepage:  https://sourceforge.net/projects/winlocalize

LinLocalize for Windows 1.4 - A free Translation-Tool for multilingual Delphi-apps

What it is
LinLocalize for Windows is a translation tool for easy localization of your
Windows-apps. Linlocalize extracts all embedded resources (resourcestring and forms) of a Windows-PE-file (shared object file, dynamic link library or executable) and writes the translated strings back to a shared-resource-file or standalone executable.
Translate your Delphi-applications within one translation tool and use various translation memories (glossaries) for automatic translation. You only have to convert all hard coded strings in your Delphi-source-code to resourcestrings.

This program for translating the resources of Delphi executables is originally created by Jens Kühner (2003) for Kylix applications running under Linux (http://linlocalize.sourceforge.net/). The latest Kylix version is 1.3.

Key Features 
* LinLocalize is available for free and with GPL source.
* Easy translation and localization of Kylix/Delphi-applications
* Resource-parser for embedded Kylix/Delphi-resources (resourcestrings and forms)
* Update-feature makes sure that only changes and additions need to be translated
* Generation of shared-resource-files or standalone-executables in different languages
* Reuse of existing translations
* Uses global and project-glossaries for automatic translation
* Glossaries for kylix runtime- and clx-strings included
* Checking-feature to assert translations
* The statistics feature calculates translation volume and project progress
* Filterfunction for untranslated, translated and for review strings
* Find-function
* Export and import of textlists for external translation
* Can use existing GNU gettext mo-files as glossaries for automatic translation
* Creation of GNU gettext pot-files of source-lists

New in Version 1.4:
* LinLocalize 1.4. has a help file for non-programmers which describes its functionality.
* uEditTransItemFm: The Translation Item Editor now can be Canceled, without saving by using the [X] system button. It now saves explicitly the changes, when they are validated (V) with the validate-button.
* uFindDlg: Find dialog is now non-modal and can search consecutively for several items. It has to be explicitly closed. When a string could not be found, it emits a message. Also, it can search in all strings now. There is still some work to do.
* poText and poParser: it is now possible to export a translation as a (fuzzy) po-file. The source can be exported to a pot-file. The files have a UTF8 BOM.
* TMX: you can import a TMX file to a glossary.
* UProjectViewForm: Before a target is generated, there is a check whether the source has been changed. Furthermore, all changes are saved first (autosave or ask).
* Language-Country seperator may be '-',',' or '_', in stead of '_', as there is no standardization in this respect. Internaly '-' is used.
* Language names are saved in the ini-file, so that you can add (or delete) language names when desired.

New in Version 1.3:
-Translation of Delphi- and other Windows-Applications

New in Version 1.2:
-Paths of project-glossaries are now relative to the project-directory
-Can use existing GNU GetText mo-files as glossaries for automatic translation
-Creation of GNU GetText pot-files of source-lists

New in Version 1.1:
-Unicode support
-Fonts can be selected for each language eg. unifont
-Correct parsing and import/export of TCollection-items
-Components with an empty name (yes it is possible) are shown with a unique name like Classname+Number
-Glossaries are now in text-format UTF8 encoded for easier handling and cvs
-Glossaries for kylix runtime- and clx-strings included in english, german, french and japanese (Textes of Kylix 3 Pro)
-Binary file-formats like project- and textlist-files are unfortunately not compatible with version 1.0, (support of file-version introduced now)
-Minor bugs fixed

How to get started with localizing
See the help file
Automatic loading of shared resource-files
If you start a Kylix-application it automatically looks for existing shared-resource-files to load depending of 
the environment-variable "LANG". You can place several translations in the application-directory.
If LANG=de-DE it means de = German-language and DE = language sub code.
In Linux Kylix  will look for appname.de_DE in the same directory as the executable and will load it automatically, if it doesn't exist it will look for appname.de in the same directory. It is recommend to select "de" instead of "de_DE" so the resource-files will be loaded for all german-speaking countries like Austria="de_AT". This package includes a German translation-file LinLocalize.de. If you don't have a german linux-distro and want to try it out, set the LANG-environment-variable to "de_DE" or rename it to your language-code.
For Delphi there is also an automatic loading mechanism, the language is not stored in the PATH-environment-variable but in the registry. 
Delphi looks first in
then in 

There must be a string entry with the full path of your application as name and
as value the language eg. 'DE'.

If you have the source-code you can see in the function LoadResourceModule in the unit System how shared-resource-files are loaded manually.

Version 1.3 for Kylix: Jens Kuehner: for questions, comments and suggestion concerning 1.3 mail to kuehner@users.sourceforge.net. homepage:  http://linlocalize.sourceforge.net
project-page on sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/linlocalize

Version 1.4 for Windows: Hans Landsheer e-mail: tak123@users.sourceforge.net. Homepage:  https://sourceforge.net/projects/winlocalize

Source: README_WHATSNEW.txt, updated 2021-01-19