Home / release-3.1.0
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
Window-Detective-3.1.0-src.zip 2012-05-29 6.8 MB
Window-Detective-3.1.0-setup.exe 2012-05-29 9.0 MB
readme.txt 2012-05-27 3.6 kB
Totals: 3 Items   15.8 MB 3
////////                                                                   //
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//   |__/|__/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/                            //
//             ____         __              __    _                        //
//            / __ \ ___ __/ /_ ___  ______/ /_  (_)_   __ ___             //
//           / / / // _ \_  __// _ \/ ___/  __/ / /| | / // _ \            //
//          / /_/ //  __// /_ /  __/ /__ / /_  / / | |/ //  __/            //
//         /_____/ \___/ \__/ \___/\___/ \__/ /_/  |___/ \___/             //
//                                                                         //
//   Version 3.1.0         http://windowdetective.sourceforge.net/         //
//                                                                   ////////

Window Detective is a programmer's tool used to "spy" on an application's
windows and allows you to view and even modify some of it's properties.

Key Features
* View properties of windows such as text/title, dimensions and styles.
* Set properties such as text/title, dimensions and styles.
* View all windows in a tree hierarchy of parent/child windows.
* 'Pick' windows to inspect using the mouse.
* Advanced search which allows you to find windows that match specified
* Listen for window messages sent to a window.
* "Smart Settings" that intelligently remember user settings such as
  window positions.

Changes In This Release
 - In the message pane, more information is shown for message parameters.
   Parameter names are used (as defined in the Windows documentation) instead
   of "wParam" and "lParam".
 - Define custom messages and their parameters using xml.

Known Issues
* Hook DLL is 32-bit and therefore will not work with 64-bit processes.
* When a lot of windows are destroyed, some of them may not be removed from
  the window tree. Refreshing the tree will fix this.
* Getting extra window info (i.e. font, background brush) will fail for
  certain windows. I have noticed this for some of Firefox's windows.
* Sometimes the window highlighter will have a black background (instead of
  transparent) when using the border style.

If you've got any question or suggestion or have any bugs to report, you can
create a tracker at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=306398,
or drop by the forums: https://sourceforge.net/apps/phpbb/windowdetective.

Source Code
The source code for each version of Window Detective can be downloaded
from SourceForge at the same place as the installers.

It is packaged as a zip file which contains the source code as well as the
pre-compiled binaries and data required to run the program.
No installation is required to run, although settings will not be saved
unless the registry key exists in HKCU\Software.

To build the source code, you will need Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and the
Qt framework to compile it. Qt is relatively easy to install and setup, you
can download version 4.6 from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/windows-cpp-vs2008.
It should be possible to build with other compilers, although i haven't tried.
Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-05-27