Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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Auth_WiKID-1.1.3.tgz 2007-03-17 20.4 kB
Auth_WiKID-1.1.1.tgz 2007-03-15 19.8 kB
Auth_WiKID_README.txt 2007-03-14 2.0 kB
Totals: 3 Items   42.2 kB 0
About Auth_WiKID

Auth_WiKID is a PHP class for communicating with the WiKID Strong
Authentication System.

Auth_WiKID is available under the Lesser GNU Public License

About WiKID

Hate passwords?

WiKID is a two-factor authentication system. It consists of: a PIN, 
stored in the user's head; a small, lightweight client that 
encapsulates the private/public keys; and a server that stores 
the public keys of the client's and the user's PIN. When the user 
wants to login to a service, they start the client and enter their 
PIN, which is encrypted and sent to the server. If the PIN is 
correct, the account active and the encryption valid, the user is 
sent a one-time passcode to use instead of a static password.

You can think of WiKID as 'certificates on steroids'. It is more 
secure than certificates because the required PIN is only stored on 
the server, so it is not susceptible to offline passive attacks. It 
is easier because user enrollment is automated and you don't have to 
deal with a full certiticate infrastructure. You can also compare 
WiKID to hardware tokens: it is much easier to implement, more 
extensible, yet just as secure. Stealing either the token or the PIN 
does you no good. You must steal both, just like a hardware token. 

More information about WiKID may be found online at

Copyright 2005-2007 WiKID Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.

$Id: README,v 1.2 2005/11/06 00:15:00 ghaygood Exp $
Source: Auth_WiKID_README.txt, updated 2007-03-14