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README.txt 2009-01-19 1.2 kB
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WiiGestures is a gesture recognition system based on:
- accelerometer in WiiMote
- WiiGee project (see http://www.wiigee.org/)
- Java

1. General information

Wiigestures project allows training and recognition of gestures. The software can operate in two modes:
- training, where user is supposed to repeat their gesture several times (at least 5 to ensure satisfactory recognition level)
- recognition, where the program, given the gesture, decides which of the gestures it has learnt, if any, is most similar to the given one

2. Usage

In order to use WiiGestures, you have to add WiiGestures.jar to the build path of your project. The class responsible for gesture recognition is WiiGesture, after creating an instance of WiiGesture is must be initiated with the init() method.

A simple interface is provided along with WiiGestures, which is responsible for reacting to reception of acceleration, change of wiimote's button state and recognition of gesture. Any actions tat should be performed can be implemented by filling the bodies of relevant methods (see Interface.java)

You can find examples of the above interface and usage of WiiGestures in files Main.java and Interface.java
Source: README.txt, updated 2009-01-19