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The Platform for Human and Social Services Icon
The Platform for Human and Social Services

See What Casebook Can Do For Your Organization

Our cloud-based and mobile-capable software for human & social services supports critical functions from intake through reporting. Most information management software isn’t made for human services; Casebook is built hand-in-hand with human services professionals, we understand the information you need to track and access on a daily basis, and we’ve based our entire platform around it. With the ability to work on any browser-based device on our secure platform workers can work from anywhere, making collaboration and file sharing instant and transparent.
Meet the #1 Live Chat and AI Chatbot solution to power your customer service. Icon
Meet the #1 Live Chat and AI Chatbot solution to power your customer service.

Talk to your customers from Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Chat, or Zoom.

Build 1-Click ChatGPT chatbots for your website, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS then handoff chats to human agents as needed.
Infor M3 is a cloud-based, manufacturing and distribution ERP system Icon
Infor M3 is a cloud-based, manufacturing and distribution ERP system

Efficiently executing the complex processes of enterprise manufacturers and distributors

Infor® M3 is a cloud-based, manufacturing and distribution ERP system that leverages the latest technologies to provide an exceptional user experience and powerful analytics in a multicompany, multicountry, and multisite platform. Infor M3® and related CloudSuite™ industry solutions include industry-leading functionality for the chemical, distribution, equipment, fashion, food and beverage, and industrial manufacturing industries. Leverage multisite, multicompany, multicountry, multicurrency, and multi-language support for 25+ languages and 50+ countries. Increase productivity with personalized, role-based homepages accessible through a wide range of browsers and devices. Take advantage of built-in functionality for chemicals, distribution, equipment, fashion, food and beverage, and industrial manufacturing industries.
Person-Level Website Visitor ID Icon
Person-Level Website Visitor ID

Get More Leads from Your Website

Visual Visitor is a website lead generation and visitor tracking tool that identifies anonymous website visitors who are in the market for your services. With current research showing that only 2% of all web visitors will ever call or submit an email form, the data provided by Visual Visitor on the other 98% can be an invaluable sales tool for your business (or your customers' business).
Simple, secure, and modern online registration & management system Icon
Simple, secure, and modern online registration & management system

Make it easy for your clients to find, register, and pay for classes, camps, and other activities online.

Jumbula is an end-to-end Online Registration, Payment & Class/Camp Management platform. Designed to streamline day-to-day tasks, we provide our customers with a straightforward administration dashboard and powerful management & marketing tools to promote and sell their after-school programs, camps & classes. Our team strives to offer a modern and intuitive system that is secure, robust, and reliable. Jumbula is constantly developing new features based on the needs shared by our growing community of clients.

Additional Details for Webware for Python



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HTTP Servers, Frameworks, Internet


cito, echuck, gtalvola, stuartd

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