Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
IAT.zip 2011-12-31 9.1 MB
README.txt 2011-12-31 5.0 kB
Totals: 2 Items   9.1 MB 0
* project: Open Source, Web-based IAT 
* 1.0 author: Winter Mason (winteram@yahoo-inc.com) 
* 2.0 author: Ben Sigmon (bcsigmon@crimson.ua.edu) 
* source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/implicitassoc/ ********************************************************** 

1.0 - Original version by Winter Mason. Served an IAT to javascript enabled browsers. Contained a Python script to summarize data. 2.0 - Expansion by Ben Sigmon. New features: - Multiple IATs can be served, chosen by a drop-down menu - Reformatted output scripts - Python utility for creating and deleting IAT input files 

This is meant to be an easy-to-use implicit association test (see Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998) for use by interested psychologists. The input is a basic text file that defines the categories and the stimuli (or location for the stimuli if they are image files). The flow of the test is driven by javascript, and participant responses are stored in a comma-delimited text file. At the end of the test, a simple effect size is calculated to determine the participant's tendency to find two categories more congruent than the other two categories. 

Server-side: PHP (with permission to write files in directory) 
Python 2.7.2 with Numpy library (Mac OSX version included) 
Client-side: Javascript-enabled web browser 

1) Copy the folder to a publicly accessible folder on your web server 

2) Modify the file "IATname.inc": a) set the variable $IATname to the name of the IAT (e.g. "Race" if it were a Race IAT) b) if you are (not) using images as stimuli, change $pictures to "true" ("false") 

3) Run iatconfig.py to add and delete IAT input files. Right now, modifying input files is not supported, but you can edit them afterwards if you make a mistake writing them (to be resolved as of version 2.1) 

4) If you modify the file "input.txt": - "catA" and "catB" are the target categories, "cat1" and "cat2" are the association categories. DO NOT MODIFY THESE LABELS. 

- Each category has 4 components: 
1. "label" is what is displayed to the participant in the instructions and during the task 
2. "datalabel" is how the category is identified in the output 
3. "itemtype" can be either "txt" or "img" 
4. "items" are either the words to be displayed (if "itemtype" is "txt") or the location of the image file to display (if "itemtype" is "img") - Make sure everything is surrounded by double quotes! 

4) Modify "writeFile.php": set the variable $base_dir to the directory where you would like to keep the output 

5) Direct your browser to http://yourserver.com/IAT/trunk/ 


Correct.jpg - A picture of a checkmark, to notify user if they have javascript enabled 

- These are the instructions that are inserted into the frame before each stage of the 

IAT iat.css 
- This file provides the CSS styling for the web page 

- This is the javascript code for reading the input file, creating the pages, listening to user responses, and recording the user responses 

- This is the main page that contains the frame in which the stimuli and instructions appear 

- This defines the name of the IAT (e.g., "Race IAT") presented in the instructions 

- This is the entry point for the user that requires the user to enable javascript to continue 

- This is the file that defines the stimuli and category labels for the IAT 
- This is the first page of instructions before the IAT begins, explaining what comes next 

- This is the second page of instructions 

- Required jQuery library. See http://jquery.com 

- An animated gif of a "spinner", displayed while calculating IAT score for participant 

- Asks for subject number in the form of three digits then an a or b For manipulation trials, a is the pretest and b the posttest 

- This file is called to write the output file to the server 

- A picture of an 'X' that appears if the participant choose the incorrect category 


- The original script by Winter Mason 

- Produces more readable output in the form: Subj. ID | Preference | D-Score 
- Like sumIAT.py, but includes Block 1 and 2 means: 
Subj. ID | Preference | D-Score | Block 1 Mean | Block 2 Mean 
- The script used to process research done by The University of Alabama in manipulation trials. These consist of a pretest and posttest. The output contains two columns of sumIATmeans.py data: 
Subj. ID | Pretest Results | Posttest Results
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-12-31