Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
WeAre-APOD-win32-bin.zip 2009-09-16 342.0 kB
WeAreAPOD.zip 2009-09-16 2.5 MB
WeAre-Utils.zip 2009-09-16 59.3 kB
README.txt 2009-09-15 2.5 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.9 MB 0
Hello !

Thank you for your interest in WeAre-APOD.

This is a small program I developed since APOD has so many nice images every day and I couldn't find an available program to use (except a small and very nice utility for PocketPC)
Therefore, I developed my own - in less than one day - so please spare me of any criticism regarding lack of documentation or trivial use of programming.

This can be aignificantly improved and that's why I opted to disseminate this tool and share with a potential community of users who, recognizing current flaws, see interest in improving the program in an open and collabrative way.

This tool is therefore published as GNU GPLv3. I will never close the source-code of this tool nor I intend to use it for commercial reasons.

As all open-source projects, collaboration is welcome and needed.

Here is what it currently does:
- Get APOD JPEG image of a selected day
- Get all APOD JPEG images of a given month before the selected day
- All downloaded files are named as follows: <year><month><day>.jpg

Note that only JPEG images are downloaded. This could be (easily) improved in the future.

Here are some ideas of what could be added:

- Peform downloads using threads, so that main window is not blocked. While is downloading images:
  - show downloaded image in window
  - show progress (e.g., currently donwloading ... OR downloading image from day 01-08-2009)
- Allow user to change download directory - moreover, add mechanisms to create directory (if doesn't exist)
- Allow to add multiple image types (e.g., GIF and PNG)
- Develop image gallery: a tool to see all stored images (with date filters, etc) - even could launch a slide show

- Make installer
- Add documentation

And very important:

- Make a port to operate in LINUX. Either JAVA or QT could be an alternative to .NET.

About WeAre Company:

WeAre Company is a project I'm lauching on a personnel basis. I'm not sure what results will arise. However, it is my intension to make it grow in an open and collaborative way, if possible involving a community of users which see interest and motivation in it. 
World is global and interconnected - solutions and efforts must also seek these characteristics. Collaboration by means of open-source and platform will enable that. 

Spread the word.  The world is more and more flat !

Website:   http://www.weare-company.com/home
Contacts:  contact@weare-company.com
Source: README.txt, updated 2009-09-15