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Wavelet2d / Wavelet2s Libraries

1. 1D DWT and IDWT Implementation (Two Modes)
2. 2D DWT and IDWT Implementation (Two Modes)
3. 1D SWT and ISWT Implementation ( Stationary Wavelet Transform)
4. 2D SWT Implementation
5. Implemented using FFTW3 Library
6. Shared(.so) and static(.a) libraries for Linux
7. Shared(.dll) and static(.a) libraries for Win32 GCC (MinGW).
8. Shared(.dll) libraries for Microsoft VC++

These libraries work with signals or images of almost any size. Speed becomes an issue for very large images.

wavelet2d - dynamic libraries( .so.1.0 and .dll)

wavelet2s - static libraries (.a)

Working with Wavelet Libraries======================================================

Wavelet Libraries in Win32 Environment==============================================

Microsoft Visual C++======================

File : wavelib.rar

This package contains two DLLs for MSVC++ - one Debug and one Release version.The list of required files in order to compile wavelet2d based programs-

#Header File- wavelet2d.h

#Import Library- wavelet2d.lib

#Wavelet DLL - wavelet2d.dll

#FFTW DLL - libfftw3-3.dll

Header file is in the source (’src’) folder. Wavelet Libraries are in the respective Debug and Release folders. FFTW DLL is in the FFTW3 folder. Alternatively, you may chose to install FFT library from www.fftw.org. The FFTW sourcecodes are also available at FFTW website under GNU-GPL license.

In order to use wavelet libraries, the easiest way is to add import library (wavelet2d.lib) to additional dependency in your project which in turn will handle the DLLs for you. The two DLLs must be in your program path.If you are new to MSVC, you may want to learn more about DLL search path at

DLL Search Path : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7d83bc18(VS.71).aspx

You may also chose to directly call DLLs from your program.Regardless of how you handle DLLs, mixing debug and release versions is not a good idea.Both versions are named wavelet2d.dll so putting them in system path is not a good idea either. Preferred way is to use Visual Studio project settings to link to the wavelet2d.lib file and put the release and debug wavelet2d dlls along with libfftw-3.3dll in the directory containing the respective release and debug executables of your project. Import library will open the DLLs.

GNU-GCC (MinGW) Based Compilation=========

If you use GCC compiler either through MSYS or from one of the IDEs(Codeblocks, Eclipse, QTcreator, Netbeans etc.),I have also added both debug and release versions of wavelet2d DLLs and wavelet2s static libraries. Required Files for MinGW DLLS-

• Header Files- wavelet2d.h

• Import Library- libwavelet2d.dll.a

• Wavelet DLL - wavelet2d.dll

• FFTW DLL - libfftw3-3.dll (Import library is also included)

It is recommended that you link to the Release and Debug folders as they are. Once you link to import library and specify the folder location, wavelet import library should automatically open the two DLLs. Mixing Debug and Release versions shouldn’t pose any problems in this case.

Working with MinGW Static libraries is even more straightforward. You need to include wavelet2s.h header in your program , link to static .a library and you are set.

Working in LINUX Environment===============================================

File : wavelib.tar.gz

1. This package contains two wavelet libraries- libwavelet2d.so.1.0 (shared) and libwavelet2s.a (static) compiled essentially from the same source code. Source code is available in the ’src’ folder.

2. You may need to link to header files that are included with their respective libraries. They are also available in the ’src’ folder.

3. You may want to install shared library in one of your existing paths to make compilation easier. You can create sym links once inside the folder( eg., /usr/local/lib where you are installing libwavelet2d.so.1.0) by using following commands

ln -sf libwavelet2d.so.1.0 libwavelet2d.so
ln -sf libwavelet2d.so.1.0 libwavelet2d.so.1
You will probably need superuser privileges to perform previous steps. If you don’t have su privilege then you can move libwavelet2d.so.1.0 to your work folder or where your source code is, create sym links as before and then put your folder in the path during runtime.

ln -sf libwavelet2d.so.1.0 libwavelet2d.so

ln -sf libwavelet2d.so.1.0 libwavelet2d.so.1


libwavelet2s.a :: Working with static library is pretty straightforward. You will only need to include wavelet2s.h in your program and specify the library (-lwavelet2s flag) , include path (-I<path to wavelet2s.h> flag) and library path (-L<path to libwavelet2s.a> flag).

Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2011-08-22