Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
v0.1 2011-04-24
vlastezba_21.txt 2011-04-22 2.8 kB
README.txt 2011-04-22 2.7 kB
vlastezba_21.jar 2011-04-22 17.3 kB
vlastezba.jar 2011-04-20 13.2 kB
stevla.jar 2011-04-10 6.9 kB
Totals: 6 Items   43.0 kB 0

vlastezba is the Lojban word for "word-list-builder", or to use a more 
colloquial English phrase, "Glossary Builder".

It is written and compiled in Java 1.6, and distributed as an executable 
jar file.

To get the latest version, simply look at the build number, at the end of 
the filename:  It is the last changelist number from the SVN repository.


At the time of writing, the latest file is "vlastezba_21.jar".  To execute 
it, do the following in a Windows commandline shell (Linux etc may differ 
	java -jar vlastezba_21.jar terry.txt yes

"terry.txt" is the name of a file containing some Lojban text.  "yes" means 
that definitions for the words should be looked up (note that this requires 
an internet connection).

To display the commandline options, simply execute vlastezba without any 
options, like this:
	java -jar vlastezba_21.jar

This should give you a result like the following:
	java -jar vlastezba.jar <filename> [retrieve_definitions]
			Where <filename> is the name of the file that contains the Lojban 
			And [retrieve_definitions] indicates whether you want to go to the
	internet (jbovlaste) to retrieve definitions for all words. "y" or "yes" 
	in any combination of upper and lower case are accepted.  Anything other 
	than that indicates "no".  Not providing any value also means "no".

First you need the source code.  Use SVN and checkout using the following
	svn co https://vlastezba.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vlastezba vlastezba 
To build vlastezba, you simply need a Java 1.6 compiler and a JUnit 4 jar file
on the classpath.  Compile the classes, and put them in build\classes.

When you have done this, go to the root project folder and execute build.cmd.
This will create vlastezba_BLD.jar for you in the root project folder.

To test vlastezba, you need to have gnu diff for windows installed and visible
on the path.  See the following URL to obtain a copy:
Once you are able to use "diff" from the commandline, go to the "tests" folder 
and run tests.cmd.  This will run vlastezba with some different files as input,
and compare the output against a baseline expected result.  Any differences
will be detailed in:
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-04-22