Home / Beta / Configurable / CC290512
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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vJoyUtilsx86.zip 2012-05-29 154.1 kB
vJoyUtilsx64.zip 2012-05-29 155.3 kB
vJoy_x86x64_CC290512.exe 2012-05-29 5.8 MB
ReadMe.md 2012-05-29 4.8 kB
Totals: 4 Items   6.1 MB 15

vJoy installation

Please READ instructions in vJoy site

Do not hesitate to contact me

Code SVN tag is Rel_CC290512 Download

This installer is made of two layers:

  1. Inno Setup wrapper that wrapps two (x86 + x64) vJoyInstall executables

  2. vJoyInstall executable that does the actual installation of the Device Driver

The log file for the Inno Setup wrapper is called Setup Log 2011-11-01 #xxx.txt and is located under %TEMP% folder. (xxx can be any number in the range 001-999).

The log file for the executable is called vJoyInstall.log and located in the vJoy folder (C:\Program Files\vJoy).

============= Release Notes =============================

** CC290512:**


  • vJoy_x86x64_CC290512.exe : vJoy device driver installer. Target machines are Windows7, Vista and XP. 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
  • vJoyUtilsx64.zip : 64-bit package. Utilities vJoyConf and vJoyDemo along with the needed DLL files. Place all files in one folder.
  • vJoyUtilsx86.zip : 32-bit package. Utilities vJoyConf and vJoyDemo along with the needed DLL files. Place all files in one folder.

Bug Fixed:

Installer wrapper failed on x64 installations that are not loaded with the default boot loader. Full discussion in vJoy Forum

Known Issues:

  • Mapping: vJoy does not support channel mapping. It assumes First digital channel is button1, Second digital channel is button 2 and so on. Then, First analog channel is axis X, second analog channel is Y and so on.
  • POV: Since PPJoy POV is supported by mapping. This version of PPJoy does not support it when accessed in compatability mode.

** CC250512:**

Bug Fixed:

Compatibility bug prevented using vJoy to replace PPJoy in several conditions. Full discussion in vJoy Forum.

** 140112:**

vJoyDemo improved:

  • Correctly retrievs and displays version number of vJoy.

  • Displays full set of vJoy controls: 8 Axes, 32 buttons 1 POV Hat Switch.

  • Only controls that are configured to be supported by vJoy are active.

  • Automatically displays the correct type of POV Hat Switch.

  • Dynamically refreshes GUI.

vJoyConf improved:

  • Pressing Apply/OK causes vJoy device to restart.

  • Issue: Interface does not reflect vJoy actual configuration.

** 020212:**

  • POV Hat switch is DWORD (32-bit)

  • POV Hat switch can be configured to be 5-state or Continuous

  • vJoyConf and vJoyDemo support new features


  • vJoy is now configurable: Up to 8 axes, up to 32 buttons and optional POV Hat switch

  • Included vJoyConf: vJoy Configuration utility

  • Included vJoyDemo: Improved vJoy feeder (client) utility


  • Installer now includes switching to Testsigning mode (if needed)

  • Restart is still required in some cases

  • Better installation logs


  • There is only one installer that works on both x86 and x64 target machines.

  • All relevant files are now signed with a Certum certificate. Thanks!


  • vJoy becomes Beta.

  • Bug/Compatibility problem fixed: Input values over 32767 were read as negative values (wrap-around).


  • Bug fixes in GUI

  • You can now optionally delete vJoy files from system when you remove vJoy.


  • Installation of vJoy now through Graphic User Interface

  • Single executable for install/remove/refresh

  • Open Source technology (GTK+)


  • Bug Fix: Statistical failure of installation.


  • Bug Fix: Computer was crashing on uninstall (rare)


  • Bug in installation files was fixed (Thank you Mario)


  • vJoyinstall has command-line: vJoyinstall [install|uninstall|repair] First letter will be OK Default is install

  • vJoyinstall.log is more informative (date/time OS/SP level included)


  • vJoyInstall is run as administrator by default

  • Property page for files now containles correct details/version tab

============= Known Issues ==============================


  • Reported problem to install on Vista(x86) SP2
Source: ReadMe.md, updated 2012-05-29