Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
aline_rsp_encrypt_vilahauer_dll_5.5.0 _build_00182.7z 2024-09-28 1.7 MB
aline_rsp_encrypt_vilahauer_dll_5.4.9_build_00181.tar.gz 2024-01-26 5.0 MB
aline_rsp_encrypt_vilahauer_dll_5.4.7_build_00179.zip 2022-07-27 2.9 MB
readme.txt 2022-07-27 9.2 kB
aline_rsp_encrypt_vilahauer_dll_5.4.6_build_00178.zip 2022-05-16 2.7 MB
aline_rsp_encrypt_vilahauer_dll_4.9.5_build_00127.zip 2020-12-09 2.3 MB
aline_rsp_encrypt_vilahauer_dll_4.6.5_build_0097.zip 2020-12-08 2.0 MB
rsp_encrypt_dll_4.0.0_build_0033.rar 2018-08-06 432.3 kB
rsp_vilahauer_030_src.zip 2011-03-10 387.9 kB
Totals: 9 Items   17.5 MB 0
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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*       Pereira: arsoftware25@gmail.com  ricardo@arsoftware.net.br            *
*          Koci: arsoftware10@gmail.com  amanda@arsoftware.net. br            *


BW Encrypt DLL

Win32 and Win64 DLL to encrypt strings or files with a 
very fast implementation of AES 256, AES 256 CTR or RC4 
encryption methods, full Unicode support through utf-8 
encode, support for large files too (above 2 gb).

Integrity check provided by Adler32 (like gzip...) and/or
SHA512 when the functions NewEncryptFileAES_CTR_SHA512_k
and NewDecryptFileAES_CTR are used, see the sample project

Where are the files?

the .net framework sample project is in the file .\files\encrypt_.net.sln
the win32 version of the sample project and the dll is available in the folder .\files\encrypt_.net\bin\x86\Release
the win64 version of the sample project and the dll is available in the folder .\files\encrypt_.net\bin\Release
the sources of the dll are in the folder .\files\encrypt_.net\bin\x86\Release\src\c source code

Docs: for the C portions in the folder -> 

The projects rspencdll and vilahauer share the same files


What is new in the version 5.4.7 build 00179
(27/july/2022) codename Crossland
Converted the sample project to Visual
Studio 2022, minor modifications.

What is new in the version 5.4.6 build 00178
Added docs in the C portions of the code,
minor modifications.

What is new in the version 4.9.5 build 00127
(Wed 09/December/2020 00:19:14, by bhond)
Added function NewEncryptFileAES_CTR_SHA512_k
to encrypt files using AES256 CTR mode and
SHA512 as the integrity check, this is the
preferred function to be used for maximum
security, and the function NewDecryptFileAES_CTR
can handled Adler32 and SHA512 files without
problems, it will detect at runtime in what mode
it was encrypted, minor modifications.

What is new in the version 4.6.5 build 0097
(Mon 07/December/2020 20:39:30, by Ale dad)
Recompilation with latest gcc available, 9.2.0
for mingw and 10.2.0 for mingw64 ( I don´t use
a MSVC compiler for more than 12 years now ),
small modifications in the sample project, and
now the CPU detection function work for 64 bits,
minor modifications.

What is new in the version 4.0.0 build 0033
(Mon Aug 06 18:06:24 2018, by morcego48)
Updated the sample project to .net framework
4.5.1, small modifications in the sample
project and in the dll sources, minor

What is new in the version 3.5.2 build 0031
(21 May 2011)
First win64 release, minor modifications.

 2009-Mar-8  Alladin   [arab@rspsoftware.com.br]
 * 3.5.1 build 0030 - Lots of improvements,
finished the sample project in .net,full
unicode support, the dll and ocx share the same
dll now.

 2009-Oct-16  Arab  [arab@rspsoftware.com.br]
 * 3.4.4 build 0029 - First new win32 dll 
 release, missing file encryption implementation
 , Unicode support via utf-8 encode.
 What is new in the version 3.4.1
(Thu Sep 10 13:35:56 2009)
Small update to reflect the changes

What is new in the version 3.4.0 (Fri Jun 06 09:32:00 2008) :
Fixed incompatibility with Windows Vista , minor modifications

What is new in the version 3.3.0 (Mon Aug 08 14:30:57 2005) :
Fixed incompatibility with Win XP SP2 , minor bugs fixed

What is new in the version 3.2.0 (06/Jan/2005 15:59) :
Added a new mode of AES encryption called CTR mode , in
this mode the original block cipher is converted to a
stream cipher , then , no more padding required when
the string or file is not multiple of 16 , and this 
new mode also will make the output data to be 
indistinguishable from random noise no matter what 
kind of input is sent to the encryption code , the 
speed execution is slightly slower than the normal 
AES mode , and this is the mode of choice for 
maximum security , notice that both old mode and new 
modes are available in the control , minor modifications

What is new in the version 3.1.0 (05/Jan/2005 16:26) :
Added full support to multiples instances of the 
control in the same form using normal method or 
CreateObject , modified the termination of the 
control to avoid possible VB crashes , enhanced 
the speed execution of the encryption/decryption , 
now the control is 10 percent faster when encrypting 
RC4 files and 40 percent faster when encrypting 
AES 256 files , minor bugs fixed

What is new in the version 3.0.0 (26/Aug/2004 10:55) :
Added CRC data detection on the encrypted file , now
the control can check whether the correct password was 
entered , added new functions to avoid the break of 
compatibility with older versions , then the control
can work in old mode or in the new mode in the same
environment , the new functions are NewEncryptFileAES ,
NewDecryptFileAES , NewEncryptFileRC4 and NewDecryptFileRC4
, added detection of valid encrypted files , now the
control will detect whether a file passed to the encryption
functions are encrypted or not before unencrypting , 
notice that it only aplies to the new functions added
, when using the old functions the new mode is just 
deactivated , minor bugs fixed

What is new in the version 2.5.0 (01/Mar/2004 18:38) :
Added string encryption code , added Unicode support to 
encryption of strings , fixed a bug that may occur
when very large passwords are passed to the control , in 
this case the control can just crash due to memory 
corruption on the stack , added string size verification 
code to both files and strings encryption , minor bugs fixed

What is new in the version 2.0.0 (16/Feb/2004 20:52) :
Added cpu detection code , added pause , resume and cancel 
functions , extended the execution to make the encryption 
and decryption functions to return immediately while the 
execution is executing in the background , added progress 
event function , added wait mode execution to make the 
functions to return only after the end of the execution , added 
process priority selection , minor bugs fixed


- Extract the files to an empty folder


    Copyright (C) <2021>  <BinaryWork Corp.>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
        and GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE along with this program.
        If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

    support: https://arsoftware.net.br/binarywork _____________
    mirror :  http://nomade.sourceforge.net/?AR=true&ar_debug=1

        direct programmers e-mails:
        Ricardo: arsoftware25@gmail.com  ricardo@arsoftware.net.br
         Amanda: arsoftware10@gmail.com  amanda@arsoftware.net. br

        immediate contact(for a very fast answer) WhatsApp
        (+55)41 9627 1708 - it is always on
Source: readme.txt, updated 2022-07-27