Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ubuntu-packages 2017-08-21
README.md 2017-08-22 1.7 kB
LICENSE 2017-08-21 35.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   36.8 kB 0


UbuntuPackages was created to help and facilitate the installation of the main programs used in Ubuntu today.Enjoy!

Tested on

- Ubuntu 16.04 - Gnome
- Ubuntu 16.04 - Unity
- Ubuntu 14.04 - Unity

(But I believe that having yad and gksu installed should work in any distro of Ubuntu)


1 - Download the package here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntu-packages/

2 - If you choose a bash
    2.1 - Open your terminal: $user@exemple: sudo apt-get install yad gksu -y
    2.2 - Extract file
    2.3 - Open your terminal and entry on directory
    2.4 - $user@exemple: chmod +x ubuntupackages
    2.5 - run script ./ubuntupackages

3 - If you choose a .deb file: 

    3.1 - Download the package
    3.2 - Open your terminal and entry on directory
    3.3 - $user@exemple: sudo dpkg -i ubuntupackages-1.0.deb
    3.4 - $user@exemple: sudo apt-get install gksu && sudo apt-get install -f -y 
    3.5 - Go to menu and execute the program


- Android Studio
- Atom
- Brackets
- Clipgrab
- Compact (Main compactors)
- Netbeans
- Draw (Inkscape and Gimp)
- Faenza Theme
- Google Chrome
- HpLip
- Java version 8
- K3b
- Drivers Nvidia 304,340,375
- MediaPlayers (smplayer,vlc,spotify and banshee)
- qBittorrent
- Skype
- Steam
- Sublime-Text 3
- TeamViewer 12
- Thunderbird
- Ubuntu Restricted Extras
- Virtualbox
- Wine
- Xampp

Is it missing any more? Leave in the comments that will be updated in the next versions!


If interested in the projec or any problem? Enter contact to me: kelvinferrazsilva@gmail.com

Source: README.md, updated 2017-08-22