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0.2.0 2013-08-21
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0.1.2 2013-07-06
0.1.1 2013-07-06
readme.md 2013-07-06 593 Bytes
Totals: 5 Items   593 Bytes 0

Twenty twenty


This is a software that assists in the recovery and prevention of eyestrain. The program alerts you each 20 minutes to look at somewhere 20 steps (about 6 , 7 meter) far from you for 20 seconds. So you won't get eyestrain.

What next?

  1. beter design
  2. A countdown timer that shows 20 sec
  3. more & more (tell us)


In Discussion you can tell your errors while running or downloading or etc.

please put output of this command in your discussion:

java -version

Source: readme.md, updated 2013-07-06