Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
turnkey-openvas 2017-06-30
turnkey-rt 2014-12-13
turnkey-knowledgetree 2013-09-29
debs 2013-09-29
OVZ templates (from official appliances) 2013-09-29
turnkey-webcalendar 2011-10-24
turnkey-webfilterproxy 2011-10-03
turnkey-nzbapp 2011-10-02
turnkey-bacula 2011-04-02
readme.markdown 2013-09-29 2.1 kB
Totals: 10 Items   2.1 kB 0


Here you will find a few patched unofficial TKL appliances (only available as ISO and/or OVZ template at this stage). For official TKL appliance please see the TKL website or the official TKL SF project page.

I initially started converting and patching appliances for my own use but figured I may as well share! :)

I am happy to accept requests (for ISOs and/or OVZs) in this forum thread but I offer no guarantees to timeliness (or even if I'll get it done at all) and/or quality (see below disclaimer). Also this only applies to existing patches (please post a patch request in the general forums).

If you have created a TKLPatch and you would like to upload an ISO here that is fine too. Please post your patch as per usual on the forums and send me a request via my TKL contact page or via SourceForge.

As the TKL devs have released official appliance OVZ templates, none of the unofficial ones previously available are here anymore. Same will occur for if/when these other appliances are released officially. Please note that there may not be an nice easy upgrade path from an unofficial (patched) appliance to an official release.

Feedback is warmly welcome in this TKL forum thread, although please don't flame me! :)

Cheers, Jeremy (aka JedMeister)

Disclaimer: The downloads hosted in this SourceForge Project are not official TKL appliances. This readme, the SF project and the associated files are not endorsed by the TKL devs and are not part of the official TKL project. Not all of them have been tested prior to upload (which will often be the case for requested appliances) so there is no guarantee that they will work as expected. They are to be considered Alpha releases (until you can test them yourself and confirm that they meet your expectations).

Source: readme.markdown, updated 2013-09-29