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ttyterm 2024-06-10
README.txt 2024-04-19 5.2 kB
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------------------ TTYTERM : QUICK STARTUP GUIDE ------------------


- Console on a local serial port, or a remote one through some
  program (such as telnet)
- Scroll lock only blocking output on terminal with messages from
  serial line still received and buffered
- Timestamping (date, chrono, or diff modes)
- Optional "line mode" for local command edition with history,
  recall, and character-by-charcter sending to prevent RX overflow
  on remote equipment
- Output logfile
- Input fifo to send commands
- Logfile viewer with :
  - virtually unlimited log size support
  - backward/forward search
  - occurence count
  - selection of any amount of log
  - copy of selection to file or to printer
- extra tools that can be combined together to automate some
  dialogs with the remote equipment from a shellscript :
  - wait_msg : to wait for messages in logfile
  - slowpipe.sh : to send some commands slowly (prevents RX
    overflow on remote)


This software can be installed and run without any modification on
most Unix systems (such as Linux, AIX, SunOS, ...) running bash or ksh.
If your default shell is not bash nor ksh, please run bash or ksh,
then run ttyterm.

This software can be installed on a system for a specific user or for
all users (global install).
To install :

- Choose a directory where to install ttyterm. This should be a
  directory where you have a write access, and where all other users
  using ttyterm (if any) will be allowed to execute the software.
  This can be any directory, even if it is not pointed by the PATH
  environment variable; however, if it is not in the PATH, you will
  have to specify the full path of ttyterm each time you run it, or
  create a symbolic link to ttyterm in a directory that is in the PATH.

- Move to the chosen directory and extract the ttyterm archive (tar.gz
  file); for example :
   cd /chosen_directory
   tar xvf /path_to_archive/ttyterm_vx_x.tar.gz

- Create a symbolic link to ttyterm if needed; for example :
  - for a global installation :
   ln -s /chosen_directory/ttyterm /usr/local/bin
  - for a single user :
   ln -s /chosen_directory/ttyterm ~/bin

- The required binaries are automatically built the first time ttyterm
  is run (if not already provided in the ttyterm archive). This
  requires a native GCC compiler and a write access to the directory
  where ttyterm is installed, at least for this first run.
  If you want to use another compiler or set some build options,
  please run ttyterm without option to get help.

If a previous release of ttyterm is already installed, just install
the new release over the previous one (overwrite), or install it in
another directory without forgetting to update the link to ttyterm if


Run ttyterm without argument to get help on how to use, customize, and
do some specific configuration for your system.

Serial port settings (baudrate, ...) must be done with the standard
tools available for the port that is used
- for a local port, use OS tools; stty for example
- for a remote port, do as indicated in the documentation of the remote
  serial port (Lantronix for example)
For example, to set the local port ttyS0 to 38400 bauds :
  stty 38400 </dev/ttyS0
This can be done on-the-fly while ttyterm is running on this port, or
before running ttyterm.


Between each offical release, the latest sources are available from GIT.
Click on "Code" to view the history for each file.
Then click on "Download Snapshot" to download all the files at their latest revision.


--- Non functional local serial port ---

When using a local serial port (onboard or USB adapter), the current stty
settings for this port may prevent the port from working properly.
For example the port may be configured to wait for DCD to become active
but unfortunately your cable wiring does not manage this signal.

An easy way to recover is to use the following stty command before
opening ttyterm on it (example for ttyUSB0 device) :

$ stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0

This will set the port to 115200 bauds, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity,
no hardware flow control, ..., and some other sane settings.

If an error occurs when running this command, try tu run it once again.

Then, if needed, set the baudrate to the required value, for example 9600 :

$ stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600

--- Strange behaviour when using telnet to connect to a serial port ---

Depending on the telnet server of the serial port, it may be needed
to force the following modes on the client side (on the machine
running ttyterm) :

mode char :  Disable the TELNET LINEMODE option, or, if the
             remote side does not understand the LINEMODE
             option, then enter ‘‘character at a time’’ mode.

set binary : Enable the TELNET BINARY option on
             both input and output.

This can be specified in a ~/.telnetrc file as follows :

# cat ~/.telnetrc
    mode char
    set binary
Source: README.txt, updated 2024-04-19