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TommyGun 1.1.exe 2017-09-03 6.2 MB
TommyGun 1.2.exe 2017-09-03 6.1 MB
TommyGun 1.3.exe 2017-09-03 6.3 MB
TommyGun 1.4.0.exe 2017-09-03 6.4 MB
Totals: 4 Items   25.0 MB 0

        Welcome to TommyGun
           Version 0.10.0
  (c) copyright 2004-2011 Tony Thompson

Thanks for trying TommyGun and thanks for reading this file :-)

TommyGun is a retro development environment for creating software to run
on old 8 and 16 bit machines.

Contact Me:
I would love to hear any about any BUGS, and your comments and suggestions.
Even if you would like to just say that you dowloaded it, and nothing else, please tell me.
I would love to know how many people find TommyGun useful enough to use it seriously.
Please email me on TommyGun.IDE@gmail.com

Quick Start Guide
Want to see what TommyGun can do but without having to write any code or
draw any artwork?
Then please read the Getting Started Guide.doc for how to run the SabreWulf project.

Component Status
This section describes the components of TommyGun and their status of completion.
The completion status is for the features of the component and does not include
any bugs that are present.

Component                     Completion
TommyGun Core 	 		100% 
Image Editor 			100% 
	Sprite Editor		100% 
	Tile Editor		100% 
	Screen Editor		100% 
	Font Editor		100% 
	UDG Editor		100% 
	Paint Tools		100% 
	Image Tools		100%
	Image Import		100%
Map Editor 			 92%
Code Editor 			 98%
	Map Parser		100%
	Palette Parser		100%
	ZX Image Parser		100%
	ZX Table Parser 	100%
	SevenuP Parser		100%
	Vic 20 Parser		100%
	Tiled Level Parser	100%
	ZX Spectrum Beep Parser	  0% 	not started
	ZX Spectrum AY Parser	  0%	not started
	Commodore C64 SID Parser  0%	not started
Music Composer		 	 10%	incomplete
	ZX Spectrum Beep Player	  0%	not started
	ZX Spectrum AY Player	  0%	not started
	Commodore C64 SID Player  0%	not started
Memory Editor		 	 30%	incomplete
String Editor			100%

Whats New?

Major Release Revision
* Arcade Game Designer
  o Started adding the Game Designer for AGD

Major Release Revision
* Application
  o Changed from Borland Builder C++ 6.0 to CodeGear C++ Builder 2007
  o Removed old FlatStyle components
  o Converted all controls over to XP/Vista themes
    Realigned a lot of controls and forms
  o Fixed some Scorpio VCL components (my components)
    Removed the old 3DStudioMax slim line scroll box
    All Scrollboxes are proper Windows scroll boxes
* MSX Tables Editor (NEW MAIN PLUGIN)
* Added new computer support
  o MSX 1
  o TI-99/4a
  o NOT the colecovision (NEVER!!!)

0.9.40,41 (???)
Lost computer and lost these revisions

0.9.39 (17 May 2009)
Minor Release Revision
* Code Editor
  o Fixed a bug with detecting error info to obtain program and line nos.
    ZX Basic: Error tag: 'Error', Program tag: '', Line tag: ''

0.9.38 (21 February 2009)
Release Revision
* Image Editor
  o Added support for new machine - Timex 20xx
* Code Editor
  o Added support for Tile Indexed map exporter (Timex 20xx/Spectrum SE)
  o Fixed a Monochrome (Palette Based Image parser) bug when exporting masked sprites/tiles.
  o Started new Map exporter - but sadly its incomplete
* Core
  o Added raw map data importer (Timex 20xx/Spectrum SE)

0.9.37 (18 January 2009)
Happy New Year
Release Revision
* Paletted Images Parser (CPC, Ent64 etc)
  o Fixed masking interlace bug - finally

0.9.36 (18 December 2008)
Release Revision
* SevenuP Parser
  o Fixed C source code formatting errors
* Code Editor
  o Added support for running batch files as "compilers"
* Paletted Images Parser (CPC, Ent64 etc)
  o Fixed masking interlace bug

0.9.35 (16 November 2008)
Release Revision
* Code Editor
  o Fixed a masking bug in the ImageLibrary.dll
  o Fixed a similar masking issue in the Paletted Images Parser

0.9.34 (1 November 2008)
Release Revision
* Code Editor
  o Fixed a resource selection bug
* Map Editor
  o Added support for using sprites as animated tiles
* Map Parser
  o Rearranged the parser options
  o Added support for merging sprites as animated tiles
  o Added an option to format the tiles table

0.9.33 (24 October 2008)
Release Revision
* Code Editor
  o Fixed a bug in the selection and updating of the files list
  o Changed the Add Resource parser combo box to a list box (easier to find parsers)
  o Map Parser
    . Fixed a screen name bug
    . Added a Post Process step to allow for compressors to run on the map data
    . Added a Map Table sort order (Screens may still be stored out of order)

0.9.32 (7 July 2008)
Major Release Revision
* Example Projects
  o Updated the Space Invaders project
    . Includes the latest code and graphics
  o Added the GEMS project
    . Includes all images, music and source code to date
* Core
  o Removed the PayPal donation button on the About Box
    . Its invisible to most people so no big lost there!
  o Reformatted all editor plugins to have the titles at the top and the toolbars below.
  o Adjusted some of the TommyGun colours

* Music Editor
  o Changed UI to a proper Music editor style
    . Bpm settings
    . Patterns (collection of notes - can be multi-channel)
    . Channels (can restrict the number of channels for a pattern)
* Code Editor
  o Hid the uncompleted Code Browser tool buttons
  o Added a Close active document to the window buttons
  o Added support for BASIC compilers - *.bas files
    . Added a BASIC highlighter
  o Added a Find In Files feature
  o Fixed bug in Palette Based Image Parser to do with Number Base
  o Vic20 parser
    . Fixed Double Height code generation issues
* Image Editor
  o Palette Base Images Parser
    . Changed the default source code selection to ASM
    . Fixed a code generator bug with ',' in arrays
    . Comments are generated by the file extension
      - .c, .cpp, .h and .hpp all use C style comment /* */
      - anything else use Asm comments ;
  o Fixed width for Sprite/Tile image types
    . Minimum width is the smallest number of pixels per byte.
  o VIC20 MultiColor palettes
    . Fixed the setting of pixels
* Map Editor
  o Fixed variable sized pixel bitmaps (aka "Fat" Pixel modes - eg. Vic20, CPC)

0.9.31 (17 June 2008)
Release Revision
* Image Editor
  o Made 4x4 the minimum image size for Fonts, Tiles and Sprites
  o Fixed Vic20 character index output for code editor data parser
  o Updated Palette Based Images data parser
    . Added C output support
    . Added size output ordering
    . Added a byte definition value eg. you can use .db DEFB DB .byte etc    
* Code Editor
  o Made the Code generator tags to be assembler and C friendly
  o Palette based parser (CPC, Ent64, C64 etc)
    . Added C Source output

0.9.30 (1 June 2008)
Release Revision
* Image Editor
  o Fixed Vic 20 palettes
  o Changed default screen size to 160x192 from 176x184
  o Fixed mask generation for all palettes
* Code Editor
  o Added a Vic20 specific code parser
  o Updated the SevenuP (Z88DK) parser
    . Includes Label Prefix and Postfix definitions
  o Added a splitter so you can resize the dialog components
  o Palette based parser (CPC, Ent64, C64 etc)
    . Includes Label Prefix and Postfix definitions
    . Fixed the mask generation values for interleaved values (CPC)

0.9.29 (30 April 2008)
Release Revision
* Image Editor
  o Fixed an image list removal bug
  o Change Vic-20 MultiColor palette design/behaviour
  o Added Vic-20 Double Height palettes for MultiColor and HiRes

0.9.28 (20 April 2008)
Release Revision
* Image Editor
  o Added VIC-20 Hires palette
  o Added VIC-20 MultiColour palette
  o Fixed up general Vista issues and palette forms
* Core
  o Made it easier to find the About Box EASTER eggs.
    . ie. Move the cursor over the red box, the silver fern and the KiwiWare text
* Code Editor
  o Added VIC-20 support to the Palette Based Images code parser/generator
  o Fixed a bug in the File List when adding files and moving items around
* Installer
  o Organised the installer Machine order to be Alphabetical

0.9.27 (5 April 2008)
Release Revision
* Updated SynEdit component to 2.0.6
* SevenuP Code Parser
  o Can now parse Monochrome images
* Image Editor
  o Fixed the FloodFill tool
* Maps Parser
  o Added support for Index only tile maps (no co-ordinates)
    . A screen should have a tile at all positions in the map
    . If a tile is missing from a position then tile 0 is used
    . All tiles must be the same size
* Map Editor:
  o Added an Overwrite tile option
  o Also now save the grid size option to the map file so set this if you use Tile index only maps
* Code Editor:
  o Added Copy to clipboard to the Console output window
  o Added new rules for jumping to output errors.
    1. If no 'error prefix' is set then only a line no. and file need to be present
    2. If 'error prefix' is set then error, line no and file must be present on the line
    3. No 'file prefix' means to just search for the first '.' to find a file from there
    4. If a 'file prefix' is set then the search for a file starts from that position on
  o The exit code is now retrieved from the output of the compiler 
    An appropriate message is displayed on success or failure
* Tutorials
  o Fixed the SabreWulf project to compile again (use Pasmo)
* Installation Files
  o Removed the TommyGun Conversion Utility
    As I'm sure no would need it by now.

0.9.26 (19 February 2008)
Patch Revision
* SevenuP Code Parser
  o Fixed number base examples

0.9.25 (19 February 2008)
Patch Release
* SevenuP Code Parser
  o Fixed a problem with the output of Attributes and Attribute Masks (Again ;-) )

0.9.24 (18 February 2008)
Patch Release
* SevenuP Code Parser
  o Fixed a problem with the output of Attributes and Attribute Masks

0.9.23 (14 February 2008)
Patch Release
* Image Library
  o Fixed a problem with the dirtiness of image rects
    Most obvious when creating 8x8 Sprites    

0.9.22 (1st October 2007-14 February 2008)
Release Revision
* Code Editor
  o Fixed bug in Spectrum Image parser when using masks
  o Fixed bug in the Text drawing tool.
  o Added a SevenuP parser for Z88DK and SP1 support
    No Interleave option: Defaults to Sprite

0.9.21 (14th June 2007)
Release Revision
* Map Editor:
  o Finally implemented the new tile drawing tools
    Should help to make drawing levels easier
    Free          - place tiles anyway
    Line          - Draw tiles in a line
    Rect          - Draw an unfilled rectangle of tiles
    Filled Rect   - Draw a filled rectangle of tiles
    Circle        - Draw an unfilled circle of tiles
    Filled Circle - Draw filled circle of tiles
  o Sped up moving of large selection of tiles
* Image Editor:
  o Added an Import Image Sheet dialog (under File|Import)
    Allows you to import tiles or sprites from within a large image sheet
    with many scattered images in it.
  o Fixed image resizing to also resize the mask of all frames
  o Fixed image resizing to allow resizing while the mask mode is on
  o Fixed the Generate Mask tool to generate masks for all frames of an image
  o Fixed a bug in creating masks when the image width is not a multiple of 8
  o Added a Set Hot Spot marker (and a toggle button to show/hide it)
    WTF is a Hot Spot? Well best of not be using it then eh! :)
  o Fixed a bug where the Animation Frame Helper would freeze on Frame 0

0.9.20 (4th June 2007)
Release Revision
* Demo Projects
  o Fixed the SabreWulf demo to build correctly
  o Fixed the Noughts and Crosses demo to build correctly

0.9.19 (17th March 2007)
Release Revision
* Core:
  o More DPI issue fixes
  o Fixed Window restore when starting up in maximized window mode
* Image Editor:
  o Fixed magnification problem (from Font issue)
  * Fonts Plugin
    o Fixed font names list
* Map Editor:
  o Fixed the Score Panel div by zero bug

0.9.18 (3rd March 2007)
Release Revision (EP64/128)
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed Sam Coupe Mode 3 & 4 parser output
* Image Editor
  o Fixed Enterprise 64/128 16/Attribute palettes
  o Fixed images limited to 512 pixels wide.
  o Limited magnification of images to 2048x2048 pixels
    (due to memory and Win32 resource limitations)
  o Fixed bug with Fill draw tool (temporary fix)
* Core:
  o Fixed DPI issues within main plugin area

0.9.17 (20 February 2007)
Release Revision
* Machines
  o Added new machine - Enterprise 64/128
* Map Editor:
  o Fixed a Home/End key conflict with the code editor
  o Fixed some settings components
  o Moved tool buttons onto different toolbars
  o Fixed the 16 colour map window bug
* Code Editor:
  o Added C and CPP comments as valid comments for Z80 Assembler.
  o Fixed F3 jumping bug
  o Fixed Spectrum Image Parser always producing attributes
  o Changed Spectrum Image Parser to be a generic Attribute parser
    - works for ZX Spectrum, Sam Coupe, Enterprise 64 etc
* Image Editor
  o Added Enterprise 64/128 - 2/4/16/256 colour palettes
  o Fixed Sam Coupe Mode palettes
    - fixed incorrect colour orientation (Mode 3&4)
    - fixed incorrect attribute information (Mode 2)
  o Added Machine logos to all colour palettes
  o New improved color selection dialogs

0.9.16 (23 December 2006)
Release Revision
* Image Editor:
  o Added selection move and clone
    - Hold ctrl to clone(copy) the selection and move it
    - Hold shift to snap the mvements to the grid (as per usual)
  o Added an Arbitary Rotate
    - New button on the image tools toolbar (has red dots)
    - Can rotate an image to ANY angle from ANY centre point WITHIN the image
    - CANNOT rotate selection at the moment only the whole image
    - and as per all the other rotate/mirror/flip function it only operates on the current frame 
* Map Editor:
  o Fixed the tile selection indicator bug
  o Fixed a bug with restoring/saving tile backgrounds
* Code Editor:
  o Added a Clear Console options to the build options

0.9.15 (13 December 2006)
Release Revision
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed Build and Run shortcut keys
    Ctrl+F9 to compile
    F9 to run (will compile project if its changed)
* Map Editor:
  o Added Map menu
  o Added Save Map as Bitmap (in Map menu)
    Saves the map at the current scale
  o Add Multiple selection
    Changed the way add tiles works (very so slightly)
    - Do rectangle select by selecting an empty area first then click and drag
    - Can add to selection with Ctrl - sorry no removal at the moment
    - click a blank area to clear the selection
  o Fixed Undo/Redo of screen selection
    - updated undo/redo to work with multiple selection
  o Added Screen swap in screen editor (lower window)
    - Hold Shift while dragging a screen and drop it on the screen you wish to swap with
  o Added Clone Tile selection
    - Select tiles
    - Hold Ctrl while click on a selected tile and moving/dragging it will clone the selection
  o Added Copy/Cut and Paste of tiles
    - Can paste to other screens
* Core:
  o Added a copy project feature
    You can use projects as base projects or project templates
    Thanks to Skarpo on WoS for the tip

0.9.14 (1 Nov 2006)
Release Revision
* Image Import:
  o Added support for creating images with a mask
* Image Editor:
  o Fixed a problem with Masked mode
  o Added Generate Mask functionality
  o Added a Show Previous Frame Underlay toolbar button (toggle animation helper)
    This should help when doing animation so you can compare one frame
    to the next (or current frame)
    The underlay uses the mask colour and transparency values, so
    you can use the transparency slider to fade between the current frame
    and the previous frame
* Strings Editor:
  o Added the new string table editor
  o Also a new parser for the strings (see CodeEditor)
* Code Editor:
  o Added a string table parser

0.9.13 (13th Oct 2006)
Superstition Release
* Skipped because I don't like the number 13. ;-)
  Plus its black friday.

0.9.12 (12th Oct 2006)
Release Revision
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed a DEL key bug in the project files list
* Map Editor:
  o Fixed a transparency bug
* Image Importer:
  o Fixed a SevenuP image import bug

0.9.11 (1st Oct 2006)
Release Revision
* Machines:
  o Added initial support for Jupiter Ace and Jupiter Ace 4000
    - Added palette plugin
    - Added code parser
    - Added UDG support
* Code Editor:
  o Added editor properties dialog
    - can customise the text editor
      Colour schemes
      Key mappings
      Display properties
      and General Editor properties
  o Moved the build settings to a new dialog box
  o Added the Jupiter Ace Chunky graphics parser
  o Updated to version 2.0.3 of SynEdit
  o Added ZigZag support to ZX Spectrum image parser
  o Added Mask BEFORE or AFTER for mask pixel pairs to ZX Spectrum image parser
  o Added ability to remove Attributes from ZX Spectrum image parser
  o Fixed C64 palette drawing bug
* Image Editor:
  o Added the Jupiter Ace Chunky graphics palette
  o Fixed copy/cut/paste bug
  o Fixed image tools bug
  o Added image resizing
    Only Sprites and Tiles are resizeable
  o Images can now be any width and any height
    WARNING!!!Be aware that non byte aligned values could act strangely!!!
  o Added an Invert Mask button
  o Fixed Mask mode button (to apply to all frames of an image)
* Map Editor:
  o Tiles are by default transparent
  o Supports Masked Tiles

0.9.10 (7th Sept 2006)
Release Revision
* Projects:
  o Fixed SabreWulf project

0.9.9 (6th Sept 2006)
Release Revision
* Code Editor:
  o Yet more changes to the Amstrad CPC code parser
    Hopefully working completely
* Image Editor:
  o Again changes to the Amstrad CPC palettes
    Hopefully fixed for good!
* Core:
  o Added TommyGun website link to About box

0.9.8 (5th Sept 2006)
Release Revision
* Image Editor:
  o Fixed major bug in all palette plugins
    All 1.0 projects will be automagically fixed once loaded and 
    saved in the correct format once save is clicked.
    New project version is now 2.0 up from 1.0
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed all the parsers to use the new correct palette formats
  o Pretty sure the CPC parser is now 100% correct
  o Added Pixel Row Order to palette based parser
    You can order pixel rows classically ie. left to right stacked
    Or Zig Zagged in left to right then right to left alternating rows
* Scorpio VCL Components:
  o Fixed problem with XML files and double quotes

0.9.7 (27th Aug 2006)
Release Revision
* Image Editor:
  o Tiles can now be masked
* Code Editor:
  o Added more options to the Paletted based Image Parser
    This is to support interlaced byte formats for palette indexes
    e.g. Amstrad CPC.
    Sorry - Custom bit remapping is incomplete at present
  o Added a Number base option to image parsers to output numbers in any base.
  o Added a new ZX Spectrum SCREEN$ parser

0.9.6 (25th July 2006)
Release Revision
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed the palette image parser
    Now parsers the Amstrad CPC palettes correctly.
    Should now work for Monochrome and C64 as well.

0.9.5 (12th July 2006)
Release Revision
* Minor fixes

Release Revision
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed copy/cut/paste problem in edit boxes in the settings tab
  o Fixed tab order in settings

Release Revision
* Main Framework:
  o Added a new Backup and Restore feature
    It can be configured from the options dialog
    It also adds an extra button on the Start up page, that allows you to
    choose a project to restore.
    You cannot currently restore Deleted projects, this has to be manually at present.
  o Made all the Options icons have a blue theme :-)
  o Minor re-styling of the options page layouts
  o Removed the old problems dialog - not needed for new xml files
  o Updated to some WinXP menu icons
  o Fixed Window size and position restore (well for a single monitor system anyway)
  o May of fixed the sticky dirty flag bug (maybe!)
  o Updated the About box to include Copyright information.
  o Fixed some start screen component colours
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed a couple of problems with the Load File button
    Now correctly copies any files not in the project folder into the project folder
    Also renames any files that have spaces to use underscores
    Makes jumping to error statements after a compile easier :-)
  o Paletted based image parser. 
    Fixed handling of masks.
    Changed default endianess to Big endian (Z80)
  o Fixed a problem with the code editor creating a blank tab
  o Fixed a GotoLine bug when no file was being edited
  o Removed the main menu icon for GotoLine as it was the wrong one
  o Improved the Build and Run commands with respect to dirty files
  o Change title from "Text Editor" to "Code Editor"
* Image Editor:
  o Font Editor
    Fixed a problem with the font naming of each character
    Will fix old fonts automagically as they are loaded
    Fixed the character button hints 

Release Revision
* Image Importer:
  o Changed all import modules to use ifstream instead of fopen/fread
  o Fixed the reading of the mask values from a SevenuP file
* Code Editor:
  o Implemented the update resources before building option
  o Implemented the save files before building option
  o Implemented Jump to error if build fails
  o Implemented build project if dirty before running
  o Changed Run shortcut from F5 to F9 to match Borland compile and run shortcuts
  o Added Build Presets option to allow easier 
    access to preset build environment variables
  o Added a new command line variable %game% to help 
    supply default command line parameters.
  o Updated the Update resources button so now you don't need to have a
    file loaded for its resources to be reparsed.
* Image Editor:
  o Fixed masked images not added new frames correctly
  o Fixed bug where mask mode wasn't honoured when a new frame was created or cloned

Release Revision
* Image Editor:
  o Added mouse wheel zoom in/out for an image
  o Fixed a problem with the grid toolbar buttons
  o Fixed an annoying copy/cut/paste bug in the image editor
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed incorrect cursor position information on status bar

Minor Release Revision
* Internal revision change over

Release Revision
* Main Framework:
  o Fixed how the short-cut keys are shared between plugins
  o Added the Terminate button to the Exception dialog
* Image Editor:
  o Fixed the selection cursor hot spot
  o Fixed delete to remove the selection of an image
    But only when NOT in an editable Win32 control
  o Fixed copy/cut/paste selection problem
    Selection rect reset to full image size once c/c/p is complete
  o Can create tiles of any height if the palette supports it
  o Fixed the Exceptions Dialog - added the terminate button
  o Fixed CPC modes
    Mode 1 uses square pixels
    Mode 0 uses fat    pixels
    Mode 2 used thin   pixels
  o Fixed Line Drawing Tool
  o Fixed Sprite and Tile image viewers
  o Added a key panel to the options panel - to show the Shortcut keys
* Map Editor:
  o Fixed problem with the Tile browser not updating when new tiles are created
  o Implemented ShortCut keys
  o Added Shortcuts keys panel to the options
* Code Editor:
  o Added a key panel to the options panel - to show the Shortcut keys

Release Revision
* Image Editor:
  o Fixed a divide by zero error in the new Custom Mode Scale Adjust feature
  o Fixed bug with Centering image on and auto mag off, 
    and not showing all of image correctly
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed Rename option so it renames the file tab if the file is open

Release Revision
* Image Editor:
  o Improved palette importing of bitmaps
  o Added a Mode Scale Adjust options to the settings
    This allows a 1x1 pixel view of "fat" hardware modes on certain machines such as,
    	Amstrad CPC Modes 0 & 1
    	Commodore C64 hi-res mode
    	Sam Coupe Modes 3 & 4

Release Revision
* Fixed donations button to point to the correct email location
* Image Editor:
  o Completed the UDG image type
  o Completed the Font image type
  o Fixed palette bug in ZX Spectrum, Monochrome, Sam Coupe Modes 1 & 2
* Code Editor:
  o Fixed a bug with multi-file tabs
  o Fixed a bug with the removal of files
  o Fixed a bug with MoveUp and MoveDown button for project list
* Installer
  o Placed the Music Composer and the Memory Map editor into an Experimentals Section
  o Customized the Installer a little
  o Added a TommyGun.tips file - still need to add new tips to it

Release Revision
* Added a Getting Started Guide
  Guides you through the process of running the SabreWulf project and
  also on how to create a working game.
* Bug fixes
  	o All palettes except the ZX Spectrum and Sam Mode 1 can have any height of sprite or tile
  	  All images still MUST have a width that is a multiple of 8!
  	  This limitation will be removed later
  	o Fixed a placement problem with certain dialogs (including some palette dialogs)
  	o Fixed sprite list item selection problem
* Main Framework:
	o Added project delete button to the startup screen when hovering over a project entry
	o Updated Undo/Redo
		o Supported by Image Editor and Map Editor only
  		o Code Editor is a 3rd party tool that requires much work to integrate 
  		  into my Undo/Redo system, so Undo/Redo buttons disabled while in Code Editor
  		o Added many configuration options for Undo/Redo
* Map Editor: 
	o Added Zoom factor for tile browser
	o Fixed the selection tool from jumping to the origin of an object
	o Fixed the score panel (I think)
* Image Editor: 
	o Palette updates
  	o The screen editor now includes all default screen sizes for each screen mode
	o Palettes show wide pixels for mode where it is required eg. CPC Mode 1, 2
  	o Fixed masking of other palette types (besides the ZX Spectrum)
  	o Updated all palettes to be able to convert bitmaps formats
    	  (enables the palette to support copy/cut/paste and image tools)
	o Implemented Image Shift/Rotate/Mirror and Flip operations
	o fixed some Settings controls
	o Implemented Copy/Cut and Paste for Image Editor
  	o Added Undo/Redo for Cut, Paste and the Image tools (shift/scroll, rotate, mirror, flip)
  	o Supports pasting images from an outside source
	o Supports copying/cutting the bitmap to the clipboard
	o Added Selection tool cursor in the Image Editor
* Code Editor: 
	o Added tabbed multi-file support
	o Added goto error line in the console window (double click, or right click popup menu)
	o Added save console window to file
	o Improved syntax highlighting for Z80 assembler
	o Added syntax highlighting for C/C++
	o Added normal text mode highlighter (ie. no highlighting) 
	o Fixed the find text dialog
	o Find and Replace dialogs get the current text selection or word at cursor now
	o Implemented the file statistic panel
* Music Composer:
	o Added the beginning of a Music Composer (similar to BASin's Beep composer)
* Memory Layout:
	o Started on a memory layout editor
	  Requires memory.xml file in each machine folder to be defined
	  Only supports the 48K Spectrum at present
	  Will be able to read .maps files to fill in blocks of memory

Release Revision
* SAM Palettes for Modes 1 - 4
  1 & 2 - Has fixed ZX Spectrum colours 
  	  These are not defineable from the std 128 colour palette
  3 & 4 - User can define the colours from the std 128 colour palette
* Completed Undo/Redo for the Image, Map and Code editors
* Finished Undo/Redo for ImageEditor
  Works on Creation, Deletion, Cloning, Rename, Selection

Release revision
* ZX Palette BUG FIX!
* Some other minor bug fixes.
* Added full Undo/Redo system (disabled in the Image editor until next release due to bug fixes)
* Added a Short-Cut Keys panel to the options page (again incomplete due to rushed bug fix release)

Release revision
* Fixed the CPC Mode 1 & 2 palettes to show the correct system default colours.
* Fixed the CPC and C64 palettes to save the user configured colours for a project.
* Added the Sam Coupe Mode 0 and Mode 1 palettes

Release revision
* Added the C64 and Amstrad CPC colour image palettes.
  Includes masking ability
* Also added the Palette Image Parser for the C64 and CPC and similar palette based machines.
* Updated the source code to the SabreWulf project.
* Enabled the outputting of mask data in the ZX Image parser
* Made the Image Editor grid colours configurable.

0.8.0 and earlier
Major revisions

Whats Next?

upto 1.0
* Complete Map Editor
  o Add an Isometric 3D mode
    * Needs HotSpot position in images (change to Image editor)
    * Need to save/load map type
    * Need to change meaning of tiling values under settings
  o Add an object behaviours tab.
    This will allow you to set standard movement behaviours to objects
    	1. movement left and right or up and down etc
    	2. crumble
    	3. elevator
  o Add grouped objects
  o Add a comment feature - where the user can leave comments like sticky notes on items or maps


* Complete the Code Editor
  o Try to integrate the Code Editor undo/redo into my Undo/Redo system
  o Finish the bit remapping for the palette parser
  o Add support to allow for adding custom highlighters
  o Implement the use of the makefile and build commands

* Documentation
  o I will explain how to create the resources in the Code Editor.
* Testing
  o This version will get more testing and most revision releases will be mostly bug fix releases

1.0 And Beyond
* Image Editor:
  o Add proportional font size support to the Font image type
  o Able to change the palette used by an image
* Map Editor:
  o Add layered objects
  o Trigger zones - either rectanglar or circular
  o Pathed objects - allow the user to input a path for an object
    Standard path patterns such as Up/Down - Left/Right path
    Predefined paths
* Add a Code Tips browser
  o Implement a browser to allow saving code snips with comments and usage examples
* Add an Action Editor
  o Implement an editor to allow for editing tile and sprite reactions
* More Machines
  o Memotech 500/512
  o Possibly the Atari 2600 Console
  o MSX 1&2

Legal stuff.
TommyGun is freeware and is (c) copyright 2004-2008 Tony Thompson.
You cannot distribute TommyGun without my permission and without giving me credit.
And you MOST certainly cannot charge for TommyGun.
Anything you make with TommyGun is all yours of course.

I hope you enjoy using TommyGun!
Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2011-10-11