Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
levels 2013-01-17
assets 2013-01-16
TWOM 2013-01-17 863.2 kB
Objets Dart License.txt 2013-01-16 8.8 kB
README.txt 2013-01-16 2.7 kB
GPLlicense.txt 2013-01-16 34.2 kB
Totals: 6 Items   908.9 kB 0
README for The Wrath Of Mamm
This project is distributed under the GPL 3 liscence 

The binary for the game *should* run in any linux environment with a graphical capabilites. 
To run properly the levels should be in /levels and images should be in /assets
It just needs a keyboard to play.

This game requires the Allegro 5 libs to compile
theses are the linker settings I have been using to create a statically linked bin file in code::blocks:
`pkg-config --libs --static allegro-static-5.0 allegro_color-static-5.0 allegro_dialog-static-5.0 allegro_font-static-5.0 allegro_image-static-5.0 allegro_main-static-5.0 allegro_primitives-static-5.0 allegro_ttf-static-5.0`

This game is still in development, please report any bugs or issues on the sourceforge page 

I can't promise you will get any help but any information would be appreciated.

This game includes a slightly edited version of the mappy playback library for allegro 5 available from http://www.allegro.cc/forums/thread/606962

The level editor 'Mappy' is available from http://www.tilemap.co.uk/
It runs in wine or there is a slightly older version available that runs in Linux. 
full details and tutorials are available on that website. 

When making levels there are a few things to bear in mind:
1) Level names should be "a number".FMP (case sensitive) in the folder /levels
2) Level names need to be in sequential numbers. If there is a gap then it wont load the subsequent levels and will go straight to the Win Screen.
3) The Bmp for the tiles needed in the level editor is included in the folder /assets 
4) Each level needs ONE starting tile (numbers 51-54 the difference between them is the direction the character faces at the start) and ONE end tile (number 15) otherwise it will fail to load and crash the program.
5) the number of keys is up to you, the program will calculate the number in the level from the map information. 
6) Currently the maps have to be 20 tiles by 15 and the tile size is 32x32. I would recommend using 32bpp colour depth to make sure the masking works correctly. 

All of the code and graphics are mine except the mappy plaback library as above and the font. The mappy level editor is not mine and not included in the program. The font has been distributed with a copyleft license, more details are available in the file Objects Dart License. Thank you to Darren Rigby (dart@puzzlers.org) for the font.

This game is released with source code under the GPL 3.0 license. This should be included with the code when it is redistributed. 
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-01-16