Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2011-05-23 1.7 kB
tdcb.tar 2011-05-23 41.0 kB
Totals: 2 Items   42.7 kB 0
This release contains the implementation of a broadcast routing protocol called Tree-based Double-Covered Broadcast (TreeDCB) under the network simulator ns-2. TreeDCB is proposed by researchers in NICTA, Australia.
In this release, both the C++ codes for the TreeDCB implementation and the TCL scripts for experimenting TreeDCB
under ns-2 are included. The README file included in this release explains how to install and use this software. 

To install and run tdcb, please follow the steps below.

1. Under the ns-2.34 directory:
   tar vxf tdcb.tar

2. Modify other ns-2 source files according to 'howto-tdcb-ns2.txt'.

3. Under the directory ns-2.34:
   touch tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl

4. Under the directory tcl/ex/tdcb:
   # generate node placement and movement scenario
   rwp <NodeNumber> <NodeDensity> <MaxSpeed>
   # start simulation
   ns tdcb.tcl <NodeNumber> <NodeDensity> <MaxSpeed>

   rwp 100 150 5
   ns tdcb.tcl 100 150 5

File List:

tdcb/README: this file

tdcb/howto-tdcb-ns2.txt: how to modify existing sources in ns-2. All the modifications only extend the functionalities of ns-2, and will not affect the running of other ns-2 components.

mybin/rwp: node placement and movement generating script

tdcb/tdcb.h: tdcb implementation

tcl/ex/tdcb/tdcb.tcl: for running tdcb

For questions, email: siweisheng A-T gmail.com
Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-05-23