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Release Notes for Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.5

== Overview ==

Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.5 displays temperature time-series data from 
a single data source file. Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.5 supports JRE 6 
or JRE 7 on MS Windows and Unix/Linux. This release consists of one implemen-
tation targeting MS Windows (XP/Vista/7/8). It has also been tested on Linux 
WINE, which you can learn about at 

== Installation ==

For installation on MS Windows XP/Vista/7/8:

 - Go to

 - Download the installation files for MS Windows, including README.txt
   (which is the same file you are now reading) and the executable installer, 
   which is named tcv-0.1.5-setup.exe for this release.

 - Double click on tcv-0.1.5-setup.exe or right click and select Open.

 - Review and accept the license agreement.

 - Answer questions and follow instructions. 

 - Click on the "Close" button when done. 

For installation on Linux, Unix or a similar OS platform:

 - If you have not already done so, install and configure WINE (Wine Is Not an 
   Emulator from

 - Go to

 - Download the single-file installation package named tcv-0.1.5-setup.tar.gz

 - Extract package contents by clicking on the downloaded file or by typing 
   in a terminal window 

      tar -xzf tcv-0.1.5.setup.tar.gz

 - Look for the file named If it does appear to have 
   permissions to execute, you may be able to give it executable permissions
   by clicking on it with the mouse and adjusting its properties, or by typing 
   in a terminal window.

      chmod u+x

 - Run by clicking on it with the mouse, or by typing this


 - Review and accept the license.

 - Answer questions and follow instructions. 

 - Click on the "Close" button when done. 

== Issues ==

Here is a short list of current known issues. Report issues at one of these

1. Font size cannot be adjusted. Edit menu items Enlarge Font [Cntrl ++], 
Reduce Font [Cntrl -] and Restore Font [Cntrl 0] are disabled, as is also noted
 above. The corresponding keyboard shortcuts [in brackets] do not work as well.
2. There is no Redo menu item. Therefore, if you select Undo and lose a chart, 
you will have generate the chart once more by selecting a region, a time period, 
a date and a parameter, and by clicking on the right arrow [>] button (which 
adds the chart).   

3. Menus Region, Parameter, Period and Date do not list entries in any 
particular order nor in same order from one user session to the next.

== Modifications from Previous Versions ==

- Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.5

System loads surface stations as well as parameters, regions, periods and dates.
It calculates and stores six surface stations for each combination of parameter 
and region. System assigns one surface station each for the easternmost, western-
most, northernmost, southernmost, highest and lowest stations on basis of its 
longitude, latitude or elevation. System may start up slowly while it sorts 
through metadata of all surface stations.

- Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.4

System installation package now includes its own instance of Java. It is not 
necessary to do a separate installation of JRE 6 or JRE 7 on your machine 
before you install or run Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.4.

- Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.3

1. System "remembers" temperature scale selected and which charts it displayed 
   during the last session. 

2. Arrangement of chart selector and buttons in tool bar has changed. 
    a. Button for adding a chart appears left of the chart selector. 
    b. Buttons for removing Chart(s) appear(s) right of the chart selector.

3. System settings drop-down menus of the menu bar edit menu may now hold as few
   as one item. 
    a. Temperature scale menu options are Celsius and Fahrenheit only. 
    b. On start up system calculates viewer length and width based on size of 
       the current monitor screen in pixels. Viewer size menu lists current 
       length x width only. 
    c. On start up, system assigns Monospaced font type and 13pt font size. Font
       menu lists current font type and size only. 

- Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.2

1. System runs on Java 7 as well as Java 6.

2. System loads a "default" chart the first time it executes. On exit it asks if
   user wants to save chart or charts listed in the drop-down menu of the charts
   - If YES, system saves these charts in a file. It will restore these charts 
     next time system starts up. 
   - If NO, system will not save these charts. Futhermore, when system next 
     starts it will restore last saved list of charts only. 
3. Edit menu replaces preferences menu. 

4. Menu bar menus contain new items, of which some are enabled (active). Certain
   menu items are disabled intentionally and serve as the place holders for new
   functionality planned for future releases. 

- Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.1

Temperature Change Viewer 0.1.1 is the first non-alpha release of Temperature
Change Viewer - TCV. No modification from the alpha release is recorded here.

David A. Portman/ERiskTech edited this file on 28 October 2015.
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-11-08