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Release Notes for Temperature Change Viewer v0.1.1

This the initial release of Temperature Change Viewer.

I wanted this program to run on various operating systems (OSs), including 
Windows and Linux. On Linux, I decided that an implementation on WINE (Wine 
Is Not an Emulator) would be good enough for now. For further infor, visit

I have tested Temperature Change Viewer on Java 1.6 ("Java 6"). It will not 
run on Java 1.5 ("Java 5"), and it may not run on Java 1.7 ("Java 7"). I 
plan to provide support for Java 1.7 in another release. Therefore, make 
sure that Java 1.6 is properly installed on your system. 

I have configured the installer program of Temperature Change Viewer so that 
it will abort if it cannot find a Java 1.6 runtime executable (jre6) on your 
system. If you are running WINE on Linux or Unix, you must install Java 1.6 
Windows version on WINE. Visit http://java.com/ for more information on Java. 

Here are installation steps on Windows XP/Vista/7/8.

 - Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcv/files/

 - Download files for Windows, including this README.txt file and 

 - Double click (or right-click) mouse on tcv-0.1.1-setup.exe

 - Review and accept license.

 - Answer questions, or follow instructions. 

 - Click on "Close" button when done. 

Here are installation steps on Linux, Unix or another OS. 

 - If you have not already done so, install and configure WINE (Wine Is Not 
   an Emulator, http://www.winehq.org/). 

 - Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcv/files/

 - Download the installation package for Linux, which consists of one file: 

 - Extract package contents by clicking on the downloaded file or by entering 
   'tar -xzf tcv-0.1.1.setup.tar.gz' on a command line.

 - Look for file tcv-0.1.1-setup.sh, and make sure that it is executable.
   If it does not appear to be executable, you can make it so by entering 
   'chmod u+x tcv-0.1.1-setup.sh' on a command line. You may also be able to 
   adjust file properties by using your mouse on the Linux desktop.

 - Run tcv-0.1.1-setup.sh

 - Review and accept license.

 - Answer questions, or follow instructions. 

 - Click on "Close" button when done. 

Report issues with Temperature Change Viewer by visiting one of these sites.

David A. Portman/ERiskTech modified this file on 14 March 2013.
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-03-20