Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Release_6.19 2024-06-10
Release_6.17 2023-11-12
Release_6.16 2023-08-15
Release_6.15 2023-04-03
Release_6.14 2023-02-27
Release_6.13 2023-01-09
Release_6.12 2022-12-14
Release_6.11 2022-11-09
Release_6.10 2022-08-25
Release_6.9 2022-08-07
Release_6.8 2022-05-28
Release_6.7 2022-05-16
Release_6.6 2022-03-22
Release_6.5 2022-02-20
Release_6.4 2021-11-01
Release_6.3 2021-09-23
Release_6.2 2021-08-18
Release_6.1 2021-07-31
Release_6.0 2021-06-17
Release_5.13 2021-01-22
Release_5.12 2020-12-12
Release_5.11 2020-03-25
Release_5.10 2020-03-01
Release_5.9 2019-12-31
Release_5.8 2019-12-07
Release_5.7 2019-08-23
Release_5.6 2019-08-20
Release_5.5 2019-07-03
Release_5.4.8 2019-05-03
readme.md 2021-09-25 2.7 kB
Totals: 30 Items   2.7 kB 0


Tartan Systems is a suite of financial and club programs supporting up to 999 companies. All financial systems can be integrated with the general ledger or standalone. The total suite consists of 18 systems including the following:

  • Asset's Register
  • Book Clubs (Member and Book Register)
  • Booking's Manager (Resorts and B&B's)
  • Bowls Clubs (Lawn Bowls Tabs Draws and Competitions)
  • Bowls Sectional Competitions (Lawn Bowls)
  • Creditor's Ledger (Accounts Payable)
  • Debtor's Ledger (Accounts Receivable)
  • General Ledger (Nominal Ledger)
  • Loans Ledger (Fixed and Variable Term Loans)
  • Member's Ledger (Sports and Other Clubs)
  • Rental's Ledger (Property and Collection)
  • Salaries and Wages - ZA (Includes Staff Loans)
  • Sales Invoicing (Includes Sales Orders, Quotations and Works Orders)
  • Store's Ledger (Inventory)

The modules are written in the Python programming language and copyrighted by Paul Malherbe.

All modules are free software: you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


Full installation of python ver >= 3.5 including tkinter, ttk and sqlite3

The following dependencies must be installed using 'pip install'


  • fpdf - Required to generate pdf files
  • pillow - Required by fpdf and to manipulate images
  • pymupdf - Required to view and print pdf reports
  • pywin32 - Required for windows only


  • beepy - Used to play a notification sound
  • docutils - Used to display licence
  • importlib - Used to import modules
  • markdown - Used for bulk mailing
  • ofxtools - Required for ofx file imports
  • openpyxl - Used to read and write xlsx spreadsheets
  • progress - Used as a cli progressbar
  • psycopg2 - Required for postgresql databases
  • pyaes - Used for cryptography
  • pycryptodome - Used for crytography
  • pyexcel - Used to read xls spreadsheets
  • pyexcel-ods - Used to import ods files
  • pygal - Used to create charts
  • pysmb - Used for netbios file formats
  • requests - Used to get web scraping
  • send2trash - Used to trash documents
  • svglib - Used to convert svg to pdf
  • tkcolorpicker - Used to select colours
  • tkinterhtml - Used to display html documents

The Author

My name is Paul Malherbe. I have been involved in designing, writing and implementing computerised financial systems since the mid 70's. I currently consult to a number of clients in the financial services arena.

Source: readme.md, updated 2021-09-25