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Sync Other Formats

EXPERIMENTAL STATUS - this plugin is currently only for experimental use.

This is a plugin to KeePass <http://www.KeePass.info> to synchronisation to non-kdbx formats.
This is done either by using a special menu command (under File, Synchronize) or by creating
a new Trigger action to perform the synchronisation.

In order to be a valid format for synchronisation, the format must support both Import and Export,
and must support Uuids. It is recommended, but not required, that it is secured by a composite
key (the same key will be used as for the database being synchronised to, as is the case for normal

Place SyncOtherFormats.plgx in your KeePass Plugins folder.

Use the "Synchronize with Other Format..." command on the File, Synchronize sub-menu. From the
window that appears, the format to use for synchronisation can be selected, as can the file to
synchronise to. If you do not yet have a file to synchronise to, one can also be created here.

To use a trigger, start from the "Synchronize with Other Format..." command, then use the "Create
Trigger" button instead of "Synchronize Now". This will save the settings as a trigger to which you
can then edit in the normal way to attach events and conditions as required. It is also possible to
create the trigger action manually.

Delete SyncOtherFormats.plgx from your KeePass Plugins folder.

Bug Reporting, Questions, Comments, Feedback
Please use the SourceForge project page: <http://sourceforge.net/projects/syncotherformat>
Bugs can be reported using the issue tracker, for anything else, a discussion forum is available.

v0.1 Initial release
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2013-06-29