Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2010-09-25 2.3 kB
swfdes-1.0.1-linux32.zip 2010-09-25 199.8 kB
swfdes-1.0.1-linux64.zip 2010-09-25 212.2 kB
swfdes-1.0.1-win32.zip 2010-09-25 39.0 kB
SwfDestructor-1.0.1-srcs.zip 2010-09-25 150.0 kB
Totals: 5 Items   603.3 kB 2
SwfDestructor readme file ---------------------------------------------------

Extracts jpeg data from .swf files.
Have only console interface.
System independent (win, linux...).
It is easy to extend this application for extraction other data type from .swf
All components and files are under zlib License(www.zlib.net/zlib_license.html).

It is using zlib library for decompress compressed SWF data.
Zlib sources are gained from www.zlib.net page.
Zlib sources are joined at special directory without any modifications.

Using exceptions for most of the error states. May by it's not efficient but
I wanted to do this way.
There are different makefiles for Windows and for Linux. Unfortunately
regular make and win's nmake are little bit different (different syntax and
different file path separator).

SWF notes:
Compressed files can be used till version 6.
FileAttributes tag must be absolutely first tag till version 8 (including).
Minimal frame size in header must be always 0.

Command line parameters
-h prints script help
-v version info
-V verbose - more detailed prints
-o output directory - path of directory to store extracted data. Without
this option extracted data are stored at current script directory.

	Output file names: original-file-name_number-of-tag_order-number.extension
	Non verbose console output example
		xxx.swf  SWF           v9 OK => xxx.swf_1_0.jpeg xxx.swf_2_0.jpeg
		xxx1.swf SWF Compresed v6 OK => xxx1.swf_1_0.jpeg
	Verbose console output contains all details from SWF header and list of all
	tags (tag's order, tag's type, tag's length and tag's displacement form
	beginning of input file).

note: oder-number is order of file of the same file name. For example if you
	  run exctraction of the same file for two times it skhould extracte twice
	  the same output but the first output will be indexed _0 and the second
	  one will be _1 (4135B.swf_7_0.jpeg and 4135B.swf_7_1.jpeg).

	  Future plans:
I would like to develop it independet of little/big endian systems. It may
works well but I have never tested it.

Tested and works well:
64b linux
64b linux
Tested but doesn't work:

-------------------------------- end of file --------------------------------
Source: readme.txt, updated 2010-09-25